General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 120A Interstate Compact on Juveniles
- Massachusetts General Laws - Purpose - Chapter 120A, Section 1
The compacting states to this interstate compact recognize that each state is responsible for the proper supervision or return of juveniles, delinquents and status offenders...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Definitions - Chapter 120A, Section 2
As used in this chapter the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: “By-laws”, those by-laws established by the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Interstate commission for juveniles - Chapter 120A, Section 3
(a) The compacting states hereby create the interstate commission for juveniles. The commission shall be a body corporate and joint agency of the compacting states....
- Massachusetts General Laws - Powers and duties of the interstate commission - Chapter 120A, Section 4
The commission shall have the following powers and duties: (1) to provide for dispute resolution among compacting states; (2) to promulgate rules to effect the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - By-laws governing conduct of the interstate commission - Chapter 120A, Section 5
The interstate commission shall, by a majority of the members present and voting, within 12 months after the first interstate commission meeting, adopt by-laws to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Officers and staff of the interstate commission - Chapter 120A, Section 6
(a) The interstate commission shall, by a majority of the members, elect annually from among its members a chairperson and a vice chairperson, each of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Qualified immunity, defense and indemnification - Chapter 120A, Section 7
(a) The commission’s executive director and employees shall be immune from suit and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for any claim for...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Promulgation and publication of rules - Chapter 120A, Section 8
(a) The interstate commission shall promulgate and publish rules in order to effectively and efficiently achieve the purposes of the compact. (b) Rulemaking shall occur...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Oversight by interstate commission and enforcement of compact - Chapter 120A, Section 9
(a) The interstate commission shall oversee the administration and operations of the interstate movement of juveniles subject to this compact in the compacting states and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Resolution of disputes arising among compacting states and between compacting and non-compacting states - Chapter 120A, Section 10
(a) The compacting states shall report to the interstate commission on all issues and activities necessary for the administration of the compact as well as...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payment of expenses; levy and collection of annual assessment from compacting states - Chapter 120A, Section 11
(a) The interstate commission shall pay or provide for the payment of the reasonable expenses of its establishment, organization and ongoing activities. (b) The interstate...
- Massachusetts General Laws - State council for interstate juvenile supervision - Chapter 120A, Section 12
Each member state shall create a state council for interstate juvenile supervision. While each state may determine the membership of its own state council, its...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Eligibility to become compacting state; effective date and amendment of compact - Chapter 120A, Section 13
(a) Any state, the District of Columbia, or its designee, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Withdrawal of compacting state from compact - Chapter 120A, Section 14
(a) Once effective, the compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon each compacting state but a compacting state may withdraw from the compact...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Penalties against compacting state for default in performance of obligations or responsibilities - Chapter 120A, Section 15
(a) If the interstate commission determines that any compacting state has at any time defaulted in the performance of any of its obligations or responsibilities...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Judicial enforcement - Chapter 120A, Section 16
The interstate commission may, by majority vote of the members, initiate legal action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Dissolution of compact - Chapter 120A, Section 17
(a) The compact shall dissolve effective on the date of the withdrawal or default of the compacting state, which reduces membership in the compact to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Severability and construction - Chapter 120A, Section 18
(a) The provisions of this compact shall be severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision is deemed unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Enforcement of other laws conflicting with compact - Chapter 120A, Section 19
(a) Nothing in this compact shall prevent the enforcement of any other law of a compacting state that is not inconsistent with this compact. (b)...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Binding effect of compact upon compacting states - Chapter 120A, Section 20
(a) All lawful actions of the interstate commission, including all rules and by-laws adopted by the interstate commission, shall be binding upon the compacting states....
Last modified: September 11, 2015