General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 127 Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons - Section 133C Representation of deceased victims at hearing by family members

Section 133C. The family members of a deceased victim may represent the victim at any parole hearing for a prisoner serving a sentence for a crime which resulted in the death of such victim or for a crime for which a prisoner is serving a sentence for life in a correctional institution of the commonwealth, except prisoners serving a life sentence for murder in the first degree and prisoners confined to the hospital at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Bridgewater. For the purposes of this section, family members shall include: parent, stepparent or guardian of the victim, spouse or person with whom the victim lived and in a relationship similar to marriage, child, stepchild, grandchild, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and guardian of the minor child or stepchild of the victim.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015