General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 127 Officers and Inmates of Penal and Reformatory Institutions. Paroles and Pardons - Section 83D Director of prison camps; offices and positions; appointments; duties

Section 83D. The commissioner shall appoint a director of prison camps and such other prison camp officers as he shall deem necessary. All offices and positions in the prison camps shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of chapter thirty-one, except that offices and positions which require the care, custody and control of prisoners shall be filled by promotion or transfer from among the employees of the department of correction in accordance with the provisions of said chapter.

The director of prison camps shall have the care, custody and control of all prisoners removed to any camp. Purchases and sales on account of any camp shall, if authorized by the state purchasing agent, be made by the director with the approval of the commissioner.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015