General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 148 Fire Prevention - Section 10 Regulations relative to fire prevention

Section 10. The board of fire prevention regulations shall make, and from time to time may alter, amend and repeal, rules and regulations relative to fire prevention which said board is authorized or required under any provision of this chapter or of section four of chapter twenty-two D to adopt or make. Such rules and regulations, and any alterations, amendments, or repeals thereof, shall be filed with the state secretary in accordance with the provisions of chapter thirty A. Subsequent to filing and publication by the state secretary, the marshal shall cause one copy to be forwarded to each officer or board in each city or town in the commonwealth whose duties under any provisions of this chapter are affected thereby.

The board shall hold public hearings on the first Thursday in May and October in each year, and at such other times as it may determine, on petitions for changes in the rules and regulations formulated by it. If, after any such hearing, it shall deem it advisable to make changes in said rules and regulations, it shall appoint a day for a further hearing, and shall give notice thereof and of the changes proposed by advertising in such newspapers, and, where appropriate, in such trade, industry or professional publications as the agency may select at least ten days before said hearing. If the board on its own initiative contemplates changes in said rules and regulations, like notice and a hearing shall be given and held before the adoption thereof.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015