General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 148 Fire Prevention - Section 25B Unvented liquid fired space heaters; use or sale prohibited

Section 25B. No person shall use, allow to be used, sell or offer for sale any unvented liquid fired space heater. As used in this section, “space heater” includes portable space heater, parlor heater, cabinet heater, room heater and any similar heater having a barometric fed fuel control and its fuel supply tank located less than forty-two inches from the center of the burner and means the type of heating appliance adapted for burning kerosene, range oil or number one fuel oil and used principally for the heating of the space in and adjacent to that in which such appliance is located. Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015