General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 175 Insurance - Section 111C Medical pay provisions

Section 111C. A policy of insurance issued under subdivision (b) of clause Sixth of section forty-seven insuring any person against legal liability for loss or damage on account of the injury or death of any other person may also insure, or an endorsement or rider may be attached thereto to insure, irrespective of any such legal liability, any person, including the named insured under the policy, in respect to (1) the reasonable expense of medical, surgical, x-ray, dental (including prosthetic devices), ambulance, hospital, professional nursing and funeral expenses and (2), in the case of a motor vehicle liability policy as defined in section thirty-four A of chapter ninety, disability benefits on account of injury and death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries or personal representatives on account of death resulting from the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles. The provisions of sections one hundred and eight shall not apply to any such policy or any endorsement or rider providing for any or all of the benefits permitted by this section.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015