General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 175 Insurance - Section 116A Foreign title insurance companies; applicability of chapter

Section 116A. A foreign company admitted to transact business under the eleventh clause of section forty-seven shall not be subject to this chapter except this section and sections three A, four, five, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, nineteen A, twenty-two, twenty-five, twenty-six, one hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty-one, except subdivision (5) of clause Second, one hundred and fifty-four, one hundred and fifty-five, one hundred and fifty-six, one hundred and fifty-eight, one hundred and fifty-nine, one hundred and eighty-nine, one hundred and ninety-three A and one hundred and ninety-four; provided, however, that nothing contained in section one hundred and fifty or one hundred and fifty-one shall be construed to require any person acting as an insurance agent of such a company to be licensed under section one hundred and sixty-three. Such company may transact all the kinds of business specified in said eleventh clause.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015