General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 175 Insurance - Section 164A Lapsed industrial life policies; effect on agents’ commissions

Section 164A. If a policy of industrial life insurance upon which premiums have been paid for three years or more lapses for non-payment of a premium and is surrendered to the company for a cash surrender value or continues in force as paid-up or extended term insurance, the company shall not charge any of its agents with a decrease for or on account of the premium on said policy nor make any deduction from his commission or salary for or on account of the lapse of said policy.

Nothing in this section shall prohibit a life company from contracting to pay any of its agents additional compensation for the conservation of insurance, based upon the relation of the lapse rate of premiums on one or more classes of industrial life insurance policies or combined industrial and monthly premium debit insurance policies under his supervision to the lapse rate of premiums on insurance policies of the same class or classes in the entire company; nor shall anything in this section prohibit a company, which has contracted to pay its agents in this commonwealth such additional compensation for the conservation of insurance, from also contracting with any such agent that he shall not be paid first-year commissions on any new policy issued on an application procured by him on the life of a person or a dependent sharing the home with such person who has terminated a policy issued by the company on his life or that of such a dependent not more than three months before, or who terminates such a policy within three months after, application for such new policy is made.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015