Section 9Q. (a) There shall be an advisory council to advise the department concerning policies, practices, and specific actions that the division might implement to better discharge its labor relations duties. The director shall provide for the council suitable meeting space and such clerical and other assistance as the director and the council may deem necessary.
(b) The advisory council shall consist of 13 members to be appointed by the governor, 5 of whom shall be members or representatives of public sector labor unions, 5 of whom shall be representatives of public sector managers, including the director of employee relations for the commonwealth, and 3 of whom shall be at large members. Seven members shall constitute a quorum for purposes of holding a meeting and voting. No action shall be taken by the council without the affirmative vote of at least 7 members. All members of the advisory council shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the governor. The advisory council shall meet no less than quarterly during each calendar year. Meetings of the advisory council shall be called by the chair or upon petition by a majority of voting members. Such meetings shall be subject to section 11A1/2 of chapter 30A. The secretary of labor and workforce development or designee, the chair of the commonwealth employment relations board, and the director of the department shall serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the advisory council.
(c) The governor shall, from time to time, designate one of the council members as chair of the advisory council. The chair shall serve for no more than 2 years, and the position shall rotate among employee, employer, and at large members. No member of the advisory council shall be subject to chapter 31.
(d) With the approval of the advisory council, the secretary of labor and workforce development may establish standards regarding the performance of the department, and require periodic reports from the director of the division regarding the division’s attainment of such standards.
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