General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 23G The Massachusetts Development Finance Agency - Section 32 Liability in contract or tort

Section 32. Except to the extent otherwise provided at law including, without limitation, section 12 of chapter 498 of the acts of 1993, the Agency shall be liable in contract or in tort in the same manner as a private corporation. The directors, employees, officers and agents of the Agency shall not be liable as such on its contracts or for torts not committed or directly authorized by them. The property or funds of the Agency shall not be subject to attachment or to levy and sale on execution, but if the Agency refuses to pay a judgment entered against it in any court of competent jurisdiction, the superior court, sitting within and for the county in which the Agency is situated, may direct the treasurer of the Agency to pay such judgment. The lands of the Agency shall not be subject to liens under chapter 254.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015