General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 23K The Massachusetts Gaming Commission Se Fee or Tax; Penalties. - Section 63 Gaming Local Aid Fund

Section 63. There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a fund to be known as the Gaming Local Aid Fund. The fund shall consist of monies transferred under section 59 and all monies credited or transferred to the fund from any other fund or source and shall be subject to appropriation. Funds shall be distributed to cities and towns in accordance with the formula used to determine the distribution of unrestricted general government aid under section 3 of the general appropriation act. Monies from the fund shall be used in addition to the balance of the State Lottery Fund for distribution to cities and towns under clause (c) of the second paragraph of section 35 of chapter 10 and any monies so distributed shall be considered part of general revenue sharing aid for purposes of annual aid and contribution requirements established pursuant to chapter 70 or section 3 of the annual general appropriation act.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015