General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 29 State Finance
- Massachusetts General Laws - Definitions - Chapter 29, Section 1
All words and terms defined by section 1 of chapter 7C and appearing in this chapter, except for the phrases "state agency'' and "state authority'',...
- Massachusetts General Laws - General Fund; deposit of revenue - Chapter 29, Section 2
There shall be a General Fund of the commonwealth, into which all revenue payable to the commonwealth shall be paid, except revenue required by law...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1969, 546, Sec. 5 - Chapter 29, Section 2A
Repealed, 1969, 546, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Federal Capital Improvement Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2B
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund, to be known as the Federal Capital Improvement Fund....
- Massachusetts General Laws - General Federal Grants Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2C
All income from federal grants which shall include grants in aid and subventions, received by any department, institution, board, commission, agency, officer or employee of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 128 - Chapter 29, Section 2C1/2
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1990, 121, Sec. 13 - Chapter 29, Section 2D
Repealed, 1990, 121, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec. 32 - Chapter 29, Section 2E
Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 2F 2G
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Commonwealth Stabilization Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2H
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund, consisting...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Tax Reduction Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2I
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Tax Reduction Fund, consisting...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 130 - Chapter 29, Section 2J
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 131 - Chapter 29, Section 2K
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Water Pollution Abatement Revolving Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2L
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund, to be known as the Water Pollution Abatement Revolving...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1992, 133, Sec. 337 - Chapter 29, Section 2M 2N
Repealed, 1992, 133, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Issuance of bonds and notes payable from Commonwealth Transportation Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2O
When authorized by a vote taken by the yeas and nays of two-thirds of each house of the general court present and voting on such...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 132 - Chapter 29, Section 2P
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 133 - Chapter 29, Section 2P1/2
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Intragovernmental Service Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2Q
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Intragovernmental Service Fund. There...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 134 - Chapter 29, Section 2R
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 135 - Chapter 29, Section 2S
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 136 - Chapter 29, Section 2T
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 137 - Chapter 29, Section 2U
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Dairy Equalization Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2V
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Dairy Equalization Fund. There...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Water Pollution Abatement and Drinking Water Projects Administration Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2W
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Water Pollution Abatement and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 2X
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 138 - Chapter 29, Section 2Y
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Commonwealth Sewer Rate Relief Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2Z
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Commonwealth Sewer Rate Relief...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 139 - Chapter 29, Section 2AA
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 140 - Chapter 29, Section 2BB
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 141 - Chapter 29, Section 2CC
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec. 34 - Chapter 29, Section 2DD
Repealed, 2009, 25, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 142 - Chapter 29, Section 2EE
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2006, 139, Sec. 36 - Chapter 29, Section 2FF
Repealed, 2006, 139, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 145 - Chapter 29, Section 2GG
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 2HH
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 146 - Chapter 29, Section 2II
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Child Care Quality Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2JJ
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Child Care Quality Fund....
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 147 - Chapter 29, Section 2KK
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 148 - Chapter 29, Section 2LL
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 149 - Chapter 29, Section 2MM
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 150 - Chapter 29, Section 2NN
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 151 - Chapter 29, Section 2OO
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2002, 118, Sec. 3 - Chapter 29, Section 2PP
Repealed, 2002, 118, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Drinking Water Revolving Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2QQ
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund, to be known as the Drinking Water Revolving Fund,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Workforce Training Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2RR
(a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Workforce Training Fund,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 152 - Chapter 29, Section 2SS
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Liability Management and Reduction Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2TT
There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Liability Management and Reduction...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 153 - Chapter 29, Section 2UU
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 154 - Chapter 29, Section 2VV
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 155 - Chapter 29, Section 2WW
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 156 - Chapter 29, Section 2XX
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 157 - Chapter 29, Section 2YY
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2ZZ
(a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate nonlapsing, revolving fund to be known as the Catastrophic...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2AAA
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Health Insurance Portability and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 158 - Chapter 29, Section 2BBB
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 159 - Chapter 29, Section 2CCC
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Department of Fire Services Hazardous Materials Emergency Mitigation Response Recovery Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2DDD
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth, a separate fund to be known as the Department of Fire Services...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2007, 61, Sec. 7 - Chapter 29, Section 2EEE
Repealed, 2007, 61, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Dam Safety Trust - Chapter 29, Section 2FFF
There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth an expendable trust to be known as the Dam Safety Trust. There...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Civil Monetary Penalties Fund; nursing home facilities - Chapter 29, Section 2GGG
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the executive office of health and human services and the department of public health shall deposit...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Open Space Acquisition Revolving Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2HHH
There shall be set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Open Space Acquisition Revolving Fund. There...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Agricultural Resolve and Security Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2III
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Agricultural Resolve and Security...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Registers Technological Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2JJJ
(a) There shall be established on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Registers Technological Fund for the benefit...
- Massachusetts General Laws - County Registers Technological Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2KKK
(a) There shall be established on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund for the counties of Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Norfolk, Plymouth and Nantucket,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Firearms Fingerprint Identity Verification Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2LLL
There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Firearms Fingerprint Identity-Verification Trust...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Massachusetts Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics Grant Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2MMM
(a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Massachusetts Science, Technology...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Roche Community Rink Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2NNN
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Roche Community Rink Fund....
- Massachusetts General Laws - Commonwealth Care Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2OOO
Section 2OOO. There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Commonwealth Care...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Essential Community Provider Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2PPP
There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Essential Community Provider Trust...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Medical Assistance Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2QQQ
There shall be established on the books of the commonwealth the Medical Assistance Trust Fund, which shall be administered by the secretary of health and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Department of Developmental Services Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2RRR
There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Department of Developmental Services...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Educational Rewards Grant Program Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2SSS
There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Educational Rewards Grant Program...
- Massachusetts General Laws - CITI Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2TTT
(a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund known as the CITI Fund for the continuation...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Scholar-Internship Match Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2UUU
(a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Massachusetts Board of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - International education and foreign language grant program fund - Chapter 29, Section 2VVV
(a) There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the international education and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2WWW
(a) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Workforce Competitiveness Trust...
- Massachusetts General Laws - District Local Technical Assistance Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2XXX
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the District Local Technical Assistance...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Courts Capital Project Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2YYY
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund, to be known as the Courts Capital Project Fund,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Commonwealth Transportation Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2ZZZ
[ Subsection (a) effective until July 1, 2014. For text effective July 1, 2014, see below.](a) There shall be established and set up on the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - State Athletic Commission Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2AAAA
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the State Athletic Commission Fund,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Commonwealth Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2BBBB
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Commonwealth Substance Abuse Prevention...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Local Aid Stabilization Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2CCCC
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Local Aid Stabilization Fund....
- Massachusetts General Laws - Gaming Economic Development Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2DDDD
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Gaming Economic Development Fund....
- Massachusetts General Laws - Local Capital Projects Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2EEEE
There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a Local Capital Projects Fund. The fund shall be credited with any...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2FFFF
There shall be established upon the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Distressed Hospital Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2GGGG
(a) There shall be established and set upon the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Distressed Hospital Trust Fund...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Fingerprint-Based Background Check Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2HHHH
[ First paragraph effective until September 3, 2013. For text effective September 3, 2013, see below.]There shall be established and set up on the books...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Dam and Seawall Repair or Removal Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2IIII
(a) There shall be established and set upon the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Dam and Seawall Repair...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Public Safety Training Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2JJJJ
[ Text of section added by 2013, 38, Sec. 42 effective December 1, 2013. See 2013, 38, Sec. 213.]There shall be established and set upon...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Medical Marijuana Trust Fund - Chapter 29, Section 2KKKK
[ Text of section added by 2013, 36, Sec. 5 effective July 11, 2013.]There shall be established and set upon the books of the commonwealth...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Submission of statements showing prior appropriations, estimates, and recommendations; review - Chapter 29, Section 3
Every officer having charge of any state agency which receives a periodic appropriation from the commonwealth, including all periodic appropriations to be met from budgeted...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Information to be provided by agency or authority receiving periodic appropriation upon request by committees - Chapter 29, Section 3A
Any officer having charge of any state agency which receives a periodic appropriation from the commonwealth, or any officer of a state authority, shall upon...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Annual statement of planned expenditures and employment for Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and regional transit authorities - Chapter 29, Section 3B
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the several regional transit authorities shall annually, on or before September 15, submit to the state budget director, the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Estimates for purposes not covered by Sec. 3; review; public hearing - Chapter 29, Section 4
Every officer having charge of any state agency who, in the officer’s annual reports or otherwise, recommends or petitions for the expenditure of money by...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1997, 88, Sec. 7 - Chapter 29, Section 5
Repealed, 1997, 88, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1963, 473, Sec. 2 - Chapter 29, Section 5A
Repealed, 1963, 473, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Estimates of budgeted revenues and tax expenditures; consensus tax revenue forecast - Chapter 29, Section 5B
The secretary of administration and finance, with the approval of the governor, shall on or before October 15 of every year, prepare estimates of budgeted...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Comptroller's certification and disposition of consolidated net surplus - Chapter 29, Section 5C
[ Text of section effective until July 1, 2013. For text effective July 1, 2013, see below.]The comptroller shall annually, on or before October 31,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Indirect and fringe benefit costs expended from General Fund; recovery by comptroller - Chapter 29, Section 5D
The comptroller shall determine, based on procedures established by the secretary of administration and finance, the amount expended during the fiscal year from each fund,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1991, 6, Sec. 17 - Chapter 29, Section 5E
Repealed, 1991, 6, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Department financial plans; contents; use of information - Chapter 29, Section 5F
Every officer having charge of any state agency which receives a periodic or other appropriation from the commonwealth, shall annually, on or before a date...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Reporting and certification of tax revenues estimated to have been collected from capital gains income during preceding periods; transfer of excess amounts collected to Commonwealth Stabilization Fund and other funds - Chapter 29, Section 5G
After each quarter, the department of revenue shall certify to the state comptroller the amount of tax revenues estimated to have been collected during the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Report on value of property assumed abandoned; certification of actual receipts; transfer of funds - Chapter 29, Section 5H
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the state treasurer shall report by September 3 0 to the state comptroller, the executive office...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Operating budget - Chapter 29, Section 6
The budget director shall study and review all estimates and requests for appropriations and other authorizations for expenditures of state funds filed with the budget...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1980, 579, Sec. 47 - Chapter 29, Section 6A
Repealed, 1980, 579, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Federal grant funds - Chapter 29, Section 6B
(a) The comptroller, in consultation with the secretary of administration and finance, shall promulgate regulations which shall not be subject to chapter 30A to govern...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Operating budget; expenditures from trust and bond funds; reconciliation of reports of budget director and comptroller - Chapter 29, Section 6C
In addition to information required by section 6 to be included in the budget submitted by the governor, said budget shall also include the following...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Appropriations; content and form of general, supplemental and deficiency appropriations acts - Chapter 29, Section 6D
Each appropriation contained in the general appropriations or any supplemental appropriations acts shall include the following information: (a) the line-item number of the appropriation; (b)...
- Massachusetts General Laws - General appropriation bill; balanced budget - Chapter 29, Section 6E
The governor shall recommend, the general court shall enact and the governor shall approve a general appropriation bill which shall constitute a balanced budget for...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1980, 579, Sec. 47 - Chapter 29, Section 7
Repealed, 1980, 579, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 7A to 7G
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Budget submitted by governor to general court; recommended corrective amendments message - Chapter 29, Section 7H
[ First paragraph effective until October 29, 2013. For text effective October 29, 2013, see below.]The governor shall submit to the general court annually within...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Growth rate of potential gross state product; actual economic growth benchmark; report - Chapter 29, Section 7H1/2
(a) As used in this section the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings: “Actual economic growth benchmark,” the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Requests and recommendations for appropriations or authorizations for expenditures; review relating to capital facilities projects - Chapter 29, Section 7I
[ Text of section effective until October 29, 2013. For text effective October 29, 2013, see below.] Section 7I. All requests and recommendations for appropriations or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 7J 7K
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Appropriation laws for commonwealth expenses; subject matter - Chapter 29, Section 7L
A law making an appropriation for expenses of the commonwealth shall not contain provisions on any other subject matter. As used in this section, expenses...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Transfer of funds among appropriation items for House of Representatives and Senate - Chapter 29, Section 7M
The speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate may transfer funds, as needed, among items of appropriation for the house...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Transfer of funds among items of appropriation for joint legislative expenses - Chapter 29, Section 7N
The speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate, acting jointly, may transfer funds, as needed, among the items of appropriation...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Transfer of funds from items appropriated to joint legislative expenses to items for the house of representatives and the senate - Chapter 29, Section 7O
The speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate, acting jointly, may transfer funds, as needed, from the items of appropriation...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1953, 612, Sec. 7 - Chapter 29, Section 8
Repealed, 1953, 612, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1984, 484, Sec. 34 - Chapter 29, Section 8A
Repealed, 1984, 484, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 8B to 9
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec. 166 - Chapter 29, Section 9A
Repealed, 2003, 26, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Allotment of monies made available by appropriation to state agencies; initial and supplemental allotments by secretary - Chapter 29, Section 9B
Any monies made available by appropriation to state agencies under the control of the governor or a secretary, but not including the courts, the office...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deficiency of revenue - Chapter 29, Section 9C
Whenever, in the opinion of the secretary of administration and finance, budgeted revenues as determined by the secretary from time to time during any fiscal...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Anticipated decrease in estimated revenue - Chapter 29, Section 9D
Whenever it appears probable to any officer having charge of any office, department or undertaking, that amounts to be received from the federal government or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Insufficient appropriations for required expenditures - Chapter 29, Section 9E
Whenever it appears to any officer having charge of any office, department or undertaking that any appropriation therefor will be insufficient to meet all of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Periodic appropriations; notification of expenditures - Chapter 29, Section 9F
After the close of each monthly accounting period, the comptroller shall notify the secretary of administration and finance and each officer having charge of an...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Authorization of expenditures - Chapter 29, Section 9G
Sums made available by appropriation or otherwise to offices, departments or undertakings for studies, plans, designs, construction, acquisition, purchase or repair of capital facilities, of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Publication of allocation of commonwealth debt for capital facility projects - Chapter 29, Section 9G.5
[ Text of section added by 2013, 118, Sec. 6 effective October 29, 2013.] Section 9G1/2. On or before July 1 of each year, the governor...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1945, 637, Sec. 3 - Chapter 29, Section 10
Repealed, 1945, 637, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1945, 242, Sec. 10 - Chapter 29, Section 11
Repealed, 1945, 242, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Appropriations for fiscal year - Chapter 29, Section 12
Appropriations by the general court shall be made for the fiscal year unless otherwise specifically provided in such appropriation.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Obligations incurred against appropriation or subsidiary accounts for future items delivered or services rendered - Chapter 29, Section 12A
Beginning June 1 of any year, obligations may be incurred against appropriations for items to be delivered or for services to be rendered on or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Fiscal year for payment of classified personal services - Chapter 29, Section 12B
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the fiscal year for the payment of classified...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Encumbrances outstanding at close of fiscal year - Chapter 29, Section 13
Encumbrances outstanding on the records of the comptroller’s office at the close of the fiscal year may be applied to the payment thereof in the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Appropriations for other than ordinary maintenance; unencumbered balance - Chapter 29, Section 14
(a) Appropriations for other than ordinary maintenance, unless otherwise specifically provided in the appropriation, shall be available for expenditure in the 2 fiscal years following...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Successive appropriations - Chapter 29, Section 15
An appropriation shall supersede an earlier one made for the same object.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payments from ordinary revenue; cash on hand - Chapter 29, Section 16
Payments authorized by appropriation acts shall be made from budgeted revenue, if no other provision is expressly made for such payment.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Withholding appropriations; unadjusted accounts - Chapter 29, Section 17
An appropriation act shall not be construed to require a payment to a person with whom the commonwealth has an unadjusted account. The governor, upon...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payments from the treasury regulated - Chapter 29, Section 18
Except as otherwise provided, no money shall be paid by the commonwealth without a warrant from the governor drawn in accordance with an appropriation then...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 19
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Time of making transfers called for in general appropriation acts - Chapter 29, Section 19A
Whenever a general appropriation act provides that transfers shall be made from a fund, account or receipts, of a specific sum, a percentage of payments,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Authorization of payments - Chapter 29, Section 20
No account or demand requiring the certificate of the comptroller or warrant of the governor shall be paid from an appropriation unless it has been...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Orders or claims for extra work or materials; notice - Chapter 29, Section 20A
[ Text of section effective until July 1, 2013. Repealed by 2013, 38, Sec. 44. See 2013, 38, Sec. 219.]No order for, or claim for...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1996, 366, Sec. 1 - Chapter 29, Section 20B
Repealed, 1996, 366, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Late penalty interest; submission of invoice - Chapter 29, Section 20C
Any commercial vendor to whom any state agency of the commonwealth is liable for late penalty interest under section 29B shall, prior to payment of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 21
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payments limited; expenses incurred - Chapter 29, Section 22
Except as otherwise expressly provided, no greater sum from an appropriation shall be drawn from the treasury at any one time than is necessary to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Advancements from treasury; management of state agency funds; funding of checks and drafts - Chapter 29, Section 23
Any officer authorized to expend money in behalf of the commonwealth may have money advanced to the officer from the treasury for such purposes, in...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payments for human service programs; rules and regulations relating to eligibility - Chapter 29, Section 23A
Subject to sections 24 and 25, the comptroller shall provide for payments by officers receiving advances under this chapter and to section 20 of chapter...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Advancements; certification of immediate use - Chapter 29, Section 24
Such officers shall certify that the amount is needed for immediate use, and, as specifically as may be, the purposes for which the expenditure is...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Advancements; detailed statements; filing by recipients - Chapter 29, Section 25
Such officers shall, within 30 days after receipt of an advance, file with the comptroller a detailed statement of the amounts expended subsequent to the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Expenses in excess of appropriations or allotments - Chapter 29, Section 26
Expenses of offices and departments for compensation of officers, members and employees and for other purposes shall not exceed the appropriations made therefor by the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 26A 26B
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Expenses and increases regulated - Chapter 29, Section 27
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, no department, office, commission and institution shall incur an expense, increase a salary or employ a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1986, 488, Sec. 17 - Chapter 29, Section 27A
Repealed, 1986, 488, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Expenditure of funds for lease or purchase of data processing or reproduction equipment restricted - Chapter 29, Section 27B
No state agency, excepting the departments of the attorney general, state auditor, state secretary and state treasurer, shall initiate any encumbrance or make any expenditure...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Certain laws, rules, etc. relating to costs or assessments effective only by vote of acceptance or appropriation; written notice requesting determination; class actions - Chapter 29, Section 27C
Notwithstanding any special or general law to the contrary: (a) Any law taking effect on or after January 1, 1981 imposing any direct service or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - State publications; costs; payments - Chapter 29, Section 28
The cost of printing and publishing any publication issued by or on behalf of the commonwealth by any office or department shall be paid from...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Subsidiary accounts; emergency increase or decrease by interchange; sufficiency of funds to cover disbursements - Chapter 29, Section 29
Any subsidiary account set up as prescribed in a schedule referred to in section 27, on the books of any department, office, commission or institution,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Consultants; employment and compensation; legislative reports - Chapter 29, Section 29A
The secretary of administration and finance shall make, and may from time to time amend, rules and regulations governing the use of consultants in all...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Contracts with organizations providing social, etc., services - Chapter 29, Section 29B
The secretary of administration and finance shall make, and may from time to time amend, rules and regulations governing the procurement and administration of contracts...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Acquisition of property or services from commercial vendor by general court or agency; liability for late penalty interest - Chapter 29, Section 29C
Except as otherwise provided for by law, the general court or any agency of the executive or judicial branches of the government which acquires property...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Private debt collectors, employment by state agencies - Chapter 29, Section 29D
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the officer having charge of any state agency may retain the services of 1 or more private persons, companies,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Maximum reimbursement for project costs - Chapter 29, Section 29E
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller may enter into contracts or interdepartmental service agreements for the purpose of identifying and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Debarment from bidding; definitions; lists; notice; affiliates; mitigating circumstances - Chapter 29, Section 29F
(a) As used in this section the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:— “Affiliates”, entities which are affiliates...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Utility expenses of commonwealth; recoupment of overcharges - Chapter 29, Section 29G
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the officer having charge of a state agency may retain the services of private persons, companies,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Overdue payments to commonwealth; late charges - Chapter 29, Section 29H
(a) Except as otherwise provided by law, the comptroller may assess late charge rates, in addition to any other late fees or interest provided by...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payment system for interdepartmental fiscal transactions; service agreements and chargebacks; reports - Chapter 29, Section 29I
The comptroller shall develop and implement a payment system and regulations for interdepartmental fiscal transactions including interdepartmental service agreements and interdepartmental chargebacks. The chargeback system...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Use of state funds to pay for executive or legislative agent prohibited - Chapter 29, Section 29J
Notwithstanding section 50 of chapter 3, or any other general or special law to the contrary, a state agency or state authority shall not use...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Audit by state authority of appropriations received from the commonwealth equal to or in excess of $500,000; audit committee; compensation committee; annual financial report; limitation on compensation of executives and employees of state authority - Chapter 29, Section 29K
(a) Each state authority that receives a total amount of appropriations from the commonwealth equal to or in excess of $500,000 in any fiscal year...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Insurance - Chapter 29, Section 30
No officer or board shall insure any property of the commonwealth without special authority of law.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Centralized payroll system; duties of comptroller; authorized payments; wage garnishments - Chapter 29, Section 31
The comptroller, in consultation with the personnel administrator and the secretary of administration and finance, may establish a centralized payroll system and may include salaries...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Death, dismissal or retirement of state employees; accumulated vacation or sick-leave allowances; payments - Chapter 29, Section 31A
(a) Upon the death of a state employee who is eligible for vacation under the rules of the director of personnel and standardization, or judge,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Teachers; weekly payments - Chapter 29, Section 31B
Teachers in institutions of the commonwealth having weekly payrolls, at the option of the department within which such institutions are established, may be paid weekly.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Schools and colleges; non-teaching positions; vacation time - Chapter 29, Section 31C
Any officer or employee of the commonwealth, employed in a non-teaching position in any school or college within any department of the commonwealth, whose regular...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Payment of salaries upon death of officers or employees; discharge of liability - Chapter 29, Section 31D
Whenever an officer or employee or former officer or employee of the commonwealth dies, and the commonwealth owes that officer or employee any sum or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Voluntary services at public schools by state employees; effect on salaries - Chapter 29, Section 31E
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, a state employee, during working hours and at such times as are approved by the employee’s...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Time for presentment for payment of checks issued by the state treasurer; place for payment of checks not timely presented; transfer of unclaimed funds; refunds - Chapter 29, Section 32
Any check issued by the state treasurer or by any agent or agency of the commonwealth, other than checks issued in payment of obligations of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Unpaid wages and salaries; unclaimed wage fund; refunds - Chapter 29, Section 32A
No wage or salary which is or shall be due from the commonwealth shall be payable later than 6 years after the same has or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1931, 426, Sec. 2 - Chapter 29, Section 33
Repealed, 1931, 426, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deposit of public monies - Chapter 29, Section 34
(a) State officers, departments, institutions and other agencies may, with the written consent of the state treasurer, deposit a portion of the public monies in...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2006, 139, Sec. 39 - Chapter 29, Section 34A
Repealed, 2006, 139, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Bonds or other securities; assignments, etc. - Chapter 29, Section 35
No bond or security belonging to the commonwealth shall be transferred except with the written approval of the governor. A note, bond, mortgage or other...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Mortgages held by commonwealth; discharge; assignments - Chapter 29, Section 36
If the state treasurer is authorized to discharge a mortgage held by the commonwealth, the state treasurer may assign it instead of discharging it; but...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Real estate acquired by foreclosure; sale by state - Chapter 29, Section 37
Real estate acquired by the commonwealth by foreclosure may, with the approval of the governor and council, be conveyed by the state treasurer upon payment...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Investment of commonwealth funds; loans - Chapter 29, Section 38
With the exception of funds used in connection with a deferred compensation program for state employees, and funds of the state employees’ retirement system or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Investment funds; establishment; sale of participation units - Chapter 29, Section 38A
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the state treasurer may establish 1 or more combined investment funds to invest funds of the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deferred compensation committee - Chapter 29, Section 38B
There shall be in the office of the state treasurer a deferred compensation committee, consisting of 3 members; 1 of whom shall be appointed by...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Investments; bonds or notes; contracts; powers of state treasurer; payments to constitute general obligations - Chapter 29, Section 38C
In connection with or incidental to the acquisition or carrying of any investment or program of investment or carrying of bonds or notes, the state...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Bonds, etc., held by commonwealth; exchanges - Chapter 29, Section 39
When the commonwealth holds any bond, note or certificate of indebtedness payable to bearer and issued by a county, city, town or district or any...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Trust deposits with state; form; investment - Chapter 29, Section 40
No deposit required to be made by any corporation in trust with the state treasurer, or any part thereof, shall consist of a mortgage upon...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Bonds, etc., of commonwealth; custody - Chapter 29, Section 41
The state treasurer shall have the custody and keep a separate account of all notes, bonds and mortgages belonging to the commonwealth, and shall receive...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 42
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1926, 143 - Chapter 29, Section 43
Repealed, 1926,
- Massachusetts General Laws - Unappropriated income - Chapter 29, Section 44
The income or any surplus of funds belonging to or in the custody of the commonwealth shall, unless otherwise provided, be added to the principal.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Securities purchased for sinking funds - Chapter 29, Section 45
No securities shall hereafter be purchased for any sinking fund which do not mature on or prior to the maturity date of the indebtedness on...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Transfer of securities from one fund to another - Chapter 29, Section 46
The state treasurer, instead of selling any securities, belonging to any fund over which the commonwealth has exclusive control, to meet maturing liabilities, may transfer...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Borrowing in anticipation of receipts; use of notes to pay taxes of bearer - Chapter 29, Section 47
The state treasurer may borrow at any time during the fiscal year, in anticipation of the receipts for that year, such sums of money as...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 47A
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Signatures on bonds and notes - Chapter 29, Section 48
Bonds issued by the commonwealth shall be signed by the state treasurer or a deputy treasurer and approved by the governor. Notes issued by the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Facsimile signatures, bonds, notes, interest coupons; signatures of former officers - Chapter 29, Section 48A
Facsimiles of the signature of the governor on original issues or transfers of bonds or notes of the commonwealth shall have the same validity and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Bonds and notes; official statements; advertising; collateral tax consequences to social security recipients - Chapter 29, Section 48B
Any official statement prepared in connection with the sale of any bonds or notes of the commonwealth and all advertising of such bonds and notes,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sinking fund for commonwealth bonds; investments - Chapter 29, Section 49
The aggregate principal amount of bonds, if any, of any issue of commonwealth bonds stated to mature in any year may vary from the aggregate...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Minibonds; issuance and sale; limitations; regulations - Chapter 29, Section 49A
Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, whenever the state treasurer is authorized to issue and sell bonds of the commonwealth and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Insurance or credit line security for bonds and notes; agreements with brokers - Chapter 29, Section 49B
In addition to any other security provided by laws, bonds and notes of the commonwealth may, in the discretion of the state treasurer, be secured...
- Massachusetts General Laws - College savings programs; issuance and sale of bonds; powers and duties of state treasurer - Chapter 29, Section 49C
(a) In issuing bonds of the commonwealth, under the law applicable thereto, the state treasurer may, under the conditions in this section, set aside and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Serial and sinking fund payments; certification - Chapter 29, Section 50
The state treasurer shall annually in December certify to the budget director the amount necessary to provide for serial and sinking fund payments with respect...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec. 112 - Chapter 29, Section 51
Repealed, 2012, 165, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1999, 68, Sec. 7 - Chapter 29, Section 52
Repealed, 1999, 68, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Notes or bonds maturing later than three years after issuance; requirements for inviting purchase proposals; waiver - Chapter 29, Section 53
Whenever there is to be an issue of bonds or notes of the commonwealth maturing at a time later than 3 years from their dates,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Refunding bonds; issuance; proceeds; terms; report - Chapter 29, Section 53A
The state treasurer may, upon request of the governor, issue and sell refunding bonds of the commonwealth in an amount to be specified by the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deposits or other security for proposals by bidders - Chapter 29, Section 54
The state treasurer may require each bidder submitting a proposal under section 53, as a condition precedent to the consideration of such bidder’s proposal, to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sale of bonds, etc.; expenditures - Chapter 29, Section 55
The state treasurer may annually expend such sums as the general court shall appropriate for the purpose of providing for and advertising sales of bonds...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Transfers of reverted funds; sales of bonds or other securities - Chapter 29, Section 56
Funds from a sale of specific bonds or other securities which have reverted at the close of a fiscal year, under the act authorizing the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1968, 536 - Chapter 29, Section 57
Repealed, 1968,
- Massachusetts General Laws - Registered bonds exchanged for coupon bonds or defaced bonds - Chapter 29, Section 58
The state treasurer may, upon terms and regulations prescribed by the governor and council, issue, in denominations of not less than $1,000, registered bonds in...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Lost or destroyed interest-bearing bonds; duplicates - Chapter 29, Section 59
If it appears to the governor and council that any interest-bearing bond of the commonwealth identified by number and description has, without bad faith upon...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Lost or destroyed interest-bearing bonds; owner’s indemnity bonds - Chapter 29, Section 60
The owner of such bond shall surrender so much thereof as may remain, if any, and shall give to the state treasurer a bond in...
- Massachusetts General Laws - General obligations of the commonwealth, full faith and credit; negotiable instruments; direct debt limit - Chapter 29, Section 60A
Unless otherwise specifically provided, provisions contained in any act heretofore or hereafter enacted by a vote, taken by the yeas and nays of 2/3 of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Capital debt affordability committee; estimation of prudent amount of new debt each fiscal year - Chapter 29, Section 60B
(a) In this section, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings. "Committee'', the capital debt affordability committee established under...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Claims for materials or labor against commonwealth; oath of claimants - Chapter 29, Section 61
The comptroller or any other person authorized to approve claims for materials, supplies or other articles furnished to, or for service or labor performed for,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1943, 83, Sec. 2 - Chapter 29, Section 62
Repealed, 1943, 83, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Unlawful exercise or departments abuse of power; commonwealth, commissions, officers, etc.; court restraint - Chapter 29, Section 63
If a department, commission, board, officer, employee or agent of the commonwealth is about to expend money or incur obligations purporting to bind the commonwealth...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deferred compensation contracts; public employees; investments - Chapter 29, Section 64
The state treasurer, on behalf of the commonwealth, may contract with an employee to defer a portion of that employee’s compensation and may, for the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Individual retirement accounts; public employees - Chapter 29, Section 64A
The state treasurer of the commonwealth, on behalf of the commonwealth, may contract with an employee to make contributions for and in the name of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deferred compensation contracts between governmental bodies and employees; investments - Chapter 29, Section 64B
The treasurer or, if there is no treasurer, the chief financial officer by whatever name that person is called, on behalf of any political subdivision,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Individual retirement accounts between governmental bodies and employees - Chapter 29, Section 64C
The treasurer or, if there is no treasurer, the chief financial officer, by whatever name that person is called, of any political subdivision, body politic...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Deferred compensation program, annuity or other defined contribution plan; required participation - Chapter 29, Section 64D
Any governmental body, as defined in section 64B, may require any person, who is receiving compensation from the governmental body for services performed and who...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Qualified defined contribution plan for employees of not-for-profit employer - Chapter 29, Section 64E
(a) As used in this section, the term “not-for-profit employer” shall include eligible organizations incorporated under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, that are...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Delegation of certain powers and duties by secretaries of executive offices established under Chapters six A and seven; review by secretary of administration and finance - Chapter 29, Section 65
The secretary having charge of any of the executive offices established by chapters 6A and 7 may by rule or regulation not inconsistent with the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Violation of state finance laws; penalties - Chapter 29, Section 66
Any officer or employee who knowingly violates, authorizes or directs another officer or employee to violate this chapter, or any rule or regulation promulgated under...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1992, 133, Sec. 346 - Chapter 29, Section 67 to 70
Repealed, 1992, 133, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Treasurer’s obligation regarding local aid intercepts - Chapter 29, Section 71
This chapter shall not be construed to affect the obligation of the state treasurer to withhold from the receipts, distributions, reimbursements or other assistance payable...
Last modified: September 11, 2015