General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 41 Officers and Employees of Cities, Towns and Districts - Section 83 Appointment; membership; compensation; tenure; removal

Section 83. Within sixty days after the acceptance of the preceding section, the school committee, the board of trustees of the public library and the board of park commissioners, or the members of three similar boards designated by the town at the time of such acceptance, shall each send in writing to the mayor or the selectmen the names of two citizens of the town, and the mayor or selectmen shall, as soon as may be, appoint from the persons so nominated an art commission of three members to serve without compensation, one to serve until the first day of May succeeding the appointment, one to serve until one year from said first of May, and one to serve until two years from said first of May. Thereafter, prior to the first day of April in each year, the several boards designated shall each send in writing to the mayor or selectmen the name of one citizen of the town, and the mayor or selectmen shall, from the persons so nominated, appoint one member to serve for three years from the first day of May in that year or until a successor is qualified. The members so appointed may be removed in cities by a vote of two thirds of the city council and in towns by a vote of two thirds of the voters at an annual town meeting; and thereafter section eighty-two shall not apply to such city or town unless again accepted as provided therein.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015