General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 53 Nominations, Questions to Be Submitted to the Voters, Primaries and Caucuses - Section 36 Delivery of ballots, etc., at polling places; posting specimen ballots

Section 36. The city or town clerk, before the opening of the polls on the day of the primary, shall deliver at the polling place to the warden or, if he is absent, to the clerk or, if both are absent, then to any inspector, ballot boxes, ballots, specimen ballots, voting lists, suitable blank forms and apparatus for canvassing and counting the ballots and making the returns, a seal of suitable device and a record book for each polling place. The presiding officer at each polling place shall, before the opening of the primary, conspicuously post in such polling place at least three specimen ballots, as provided in section thirty-three, for each party, which shall be kept so posted until the polls are closed.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015