General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 74 Vocational Education - Section 2 Commissioner of education; powers and duties regarding vocational-technical education

Section 2. The commissioner, under the direction of the state board, shall investigate and promote vocational-technical schools, and initiate and superintend the establishment of schools for the aforesaid form of education and shall supervise and approve such schools as provided in sections one to thirty-seven, inclusive.

The commissioner, under the direction of the state board, shall approve or disapprove vocational-technical programs in accordance with regulations published by the board; provided, however, that said regulations shall more heavily favor an outcome-oriented approach for approval of such programs over a quantitative approach which solely measures time spent on lab instruction; provided, further, that said regulations shall consider a program’s intention to integrate vocational and academic instruction and to train students in all aspects of a chosen industry.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015