General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 91 Waterways - Section 52 Supervision of transportation and dumping of dredged material in tidewaters; payment of cost; burning and towing of rubbish

Section 52. The department shall supervise the transportation and dumping of all material dredged in the tide waters of the commonwealth, or of any other material which may be placed in scows or boats to be transported and dumped in tide water, and may employ necessary inspectors therefor, who shall accompany the material while in transit, either upon the scows containing the material or upon the boat towing them, upon which they shall be provided with proper and suitable quarters and board by the owner of the boat. The cost of such supervision and also of the supervision under licenses and permits authorizing such transportation or dumping granted by the department, shall in the first instance be paid from such appropriation as may be available, if the material is taken outside of Boston harbor, and from the Port of Boston Fund if taken in said harbor, and shall be repaid to the commonwealth monthly by the owners of the dredges or other machines doing the excavating when the material is dredged in tidewater and credited respectively to the General Fund or to said Port of Boston Fund, and, in the case of other material, by the owners of the scows in which it is transported, the monthly amount due from each owner to be determined and certified to the state treasurer by the department.

This section shall apply also to the burning of rubbish and other material upon any of the waters within the jurisdiction of the department. Reasonable rules and regulations to control towing and burning rubbish or other debris within harbor lines and upon adjacent waters may be adopted by the department, in accordance with chapter thirty A.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015