General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 98 Weights and Measures - Section 36 Appointment of district sealers; powers and duties; bond; compensation; records; fees; certification

Section 36. Two or more municipalities may combine the whole or any part of their respective territories as may be agreed upon by the boards or officers having the appointing power in such municipalities into a district with one district sealer and one set of standards. He shall have the powers of and perform the duties of sealers under the direction of the director within the district. Each such sealer shall forthwith on his appointment give bond, with sureties approved by the appointing power, for the faithful performance of his duties, for the safety of the standards, working equipment, records, and other things committed to him, and for their surrender to his successor or to any person duly appointed to receive them. He shall be paid a salary determined by the appointing power and shall be provided by them with necessary standards and working equipment, and shall be allowed necessary sums for transportation and other expenses. Each such sealer shall keep a complete record of all his official acts and shall make an annual report to the director as provided by the following section and to each city or town in his district. He shall account for and pay into the treasury of each city or town monthly all fees received by virtue of his office in such city or town. The sealer and all deputies shall be certified by the director within one year after assuming their powers and duties. Failure to become certified within one year shall be cause for termination; provided, however, that sealers, inspectors or deputy sealers or deputy inspectors, employed by the division or a municipality upon the effective date of this section, shall become certified within two years. Sealers, inspectors or deputy sealers or deputy inspectors who pass a civil service exam for a position as a sealer, inspector or deputy sealer or deputy inspector of weights and measures, shall be exempt from certification requirements. Notwithstanding any certification exemption, all sealers, inspectors, deputy sealers and deputy inspectors shall participate in continuing education programs. The committee shall establish a training and education fee to be paid by the municipality which employs each sealer, inspector, deputy sealer and deputy inspector sufficient to offset the cost of providing such training and education.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015