Michigan Compiled Laws § 123.863 Existing Bands; Adoption Of Provisions Of Act, Procedure.

123.863 Existing bands; adoption of provisions of act, procedure.

Sec. 3.

Any such village, township or city, having previously adopted the provisions of this act, may at any time thereafter relinquish said authority or power by following the same procedure as provided in this act for adopting the provisions thereof: Provided, That such action may be taken by the legislative body aforesaid only after a petition signed by 10 per centum of the qualified voters residing in such village, township or city, as the case may be, duly filed with the legislative body thereof at least 60 days prior to the date of re-submission, asking that the question of relinquishment of said authority be re-submitted to the vote of the people.

History: 1923, Act 230, Eff. Aug. 30, 1923 ;-- CL 1929, 2735 ;-- CL 1948, 123.863

Section: Previous  123.861  123.861a  123.862  123.863  

Last modified: October 10, 2016