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Michigan Compiled Laws Act 156 Of 1917 Recreation And Playgrounds (123.51 - 123.54)
AN ACT authorizing cities, villages, counties, townships and school districts to operate systems of public recreation and playgrounds.
1917, Act 156, Eff. Aug. 10, 1917
Section 123.51 Public Recreation System; Powers Of Municipality.
Any city, village, county or township may operate a system of public recreation and playgrounds; acquire, equip and maintain land, buildings or other recreational...
Section 123.52 Public Recreation System; Powers Of School District.
Any school district may operate a system of public recreation and playgrounds, may vote a tax to provide funds for operating same, and may...
Section 123.53 Public Recreation System; Operation.
Any city, village, county, township or school district may operate such a system independently or they may cooperate in its conduct in any manner...
Section 123.54 Public Recreation System; Location.
Any municipal corporation or board given charge of the recreation system is authorized to conduct its activities on (1) property under its custody and...
Last modified: October 10, 2016