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Michigan Compiled Laws Act 211 Of 1911 Fencing Of Private Cemeteries (128.101 - 128.103)
AN ACT to compel owners of private cemeteries in cities to keep the same enclosed with a suitable fence to prevent encroachment of live stock.
1911, Act 211, Eff. Aug. 1, 1911
Section 128.101 Private Cemeteries In Cities; Fencing.
It shall be the duty of any owner or owners of private cemeteries in cities wherein lots are sold for private or family burial...
Section 128.102 Private Cemeteries In Cities; Notice To Build Or Repair.
It shall be the duty of the council of any city in this state wherein is located any private cemetery, or cemeteries, coming within...
Section 128.103 Noncompliance With Fencing Requirement; Erection By City Council; Expense.
If at the expiration of said notice, the said owner or owners have neglected or refused to comply with the requirements of said notice...
Last modified: October 10, 2016