Michigan Compiled Laws § 14.256 Audit Report; Trustee's Report; Distribution Of Assets; Hearing; Notice To Attorney General; Approval; Rules; Reports; Suspension; Trustee's Account; First Report.

14.256 Audit report; trustee's report; distribution of assets; hearing; notice to attorney general; approval; rules; reports; suspension; trustee's account; first report.

Sec. 6.

(a) Every trustee which solicits money from the public, directly or indirectly, shall within 6 months after the close of its fiscal year file a copy of its certified audit report of its fiscal year, which audit report shall contain a balance sheet, a statement of receipts and disbursements, and a list of assets including securities held, or in lieu thereof a sworn statement by the trustee by its duly authorized representative setting forth the above information. Except as otherwise provided, every other trustee subject to this act shall, in addition to filing copies of the instruments previously required, file with the attorney general periodic written reports, under oath, setting forth information as to the nature of the assets held for charitable purposes and the administration thereof by the trustee, in accordance with rules and regulations of the attorney general. Whenever any trustee shall file any petition for disposition or distribution of the assets of the trust or render any account with any probate or circuit court of this state, the trustee shall mail to the attorney general by certified mail a true copy of such petition or account, together with notice of the date of hearing thereof, and file proof of such mailing thereof with the court. The notice of hearing and true copy of the account or petition shall be mailed not less than 16 days before the hearing date. The attorney general upon receipt thereof shall examine the petition or account and may indicate his approval or disapproval thereof to the court, and may appear in said court to contest any and all parts thereof, and the judge of said court shall not pass upon the petition or account in the absence of the proof of mailing.

(b) The attorney general shall make rules and regulations as to the time for filing reports, the contents thereof, and the manner of executing and filing them. He may classify charitable trusts as to purpose, nature of assets, duration of the charitable trust, amount of assets, amounts to be devoted to charitable purposes, nature of trustee, or otherwise, and may establish different rules for the different classes as to time and nature of the reports required to the ends (1) that he shall receive reasonably current, periodic reports as to all charitable trusts which will enable him to ascertain whether they are being properly administered, and (2) that periodic reports shall not unreasonably add to the expense of the administration of charitable trusts. The attorney general may suspend the filing of reports as to a particular charitable trust for a reasonable, specifically designated time upon written application of the trustee filed with the attorney general and after the attorney general has filed in the register of charitable trusts a written statement that the interests of the beneficiaries will not be prejudiced thereby and that periodic reports are not required for proper supervision by his office.

(c) A copy of an account filed by the trustee in any court having jurisdiction of the charitable trust, if the account substantially complies with the rules and regulations of the attorney general, may be filed as a report required by this section.

(d) The first report for a charitable trust, unless the filing thereof is suspended as herein provided, shall be filed not later than 1 year after any part of the income or principal is authorized or required to be applied to a charitable purpose. If any part of the income or principal of a charitable trust previously established is authorized or required to be applied to a charitable purpose at the time this act takes effect, the first report, unless the filing thereof is suspended, shall be filed within 6 months after the effective date of the act. If any amendment to this act first creates a duty to file, then the first report, unless the filing thereof is suspended, shall be filed within 6 months after the effective date of the amendment.

History: 1961, Act 101, Eff. Sept. 8, 1961 ;-- Am. 1962, Act 6, Eff. Mar. 28, 1963 ;-- Am. 1965, Act 353, Eff. Mar. 31, 1966
Admin Rule: R 14.11 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016