Michigan Compiled Laws § 141.1177 Violations; Penalties.

141.1177 Violations; penalties.

Sec. 17.

Each of the following violations of this ordinance is punishable, in addition to the interest and penalties provided under the ordinance, by a fine not exceeding $500.00, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both:

(a) Refusal or willful failure or neglect to file a return required by the ordinance.

(b) Refusal or willful failure or neglect to pay the tax, penalty, or interest imposed by the ordinance.

(c) Willful failure of a public utility or resale customer to remit to the city tax moneys received as required by the ordinance.

(d) Refusal to permit the city or an agent or employee appointed by the administrator in writing to examine the books, records, and papers of a person subject to the ordinance.

(e) Knowingly filing an incomplete, false, or fraudulent return or other tax document.

History: 1990, Act 100, Imd. Eff. June 13, 1990

Section: Previous  141.1164  141.1165  141.1166  141.1167  141.1168  141.1169  141.1170  141.1171  141.1172  141.1173  141.1174  141.1175  141.1176  141.1177  

Last modified: October 10, 2016