Michigan Compiled Laws 380-1965-15 Chapter 15 Department Of Transportation (16.450...16.458)
- Section 16.450 Department Of Transportation; Creation.
There is created a department of transportation. History: 1965, Act 380, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965 ;-- Am. 1975, Act 70, Imd. Eff. May...
- Section 16.451 State Transportation Commission As Policy Making Body.
The policy making body of the department of transportation is the state transportation commission. History: 1965, Act 380, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965 ;--...
- Section 16.452 Transfer Of Powers, Duties, And Functions.
All powers, duties, and functions vested by law in the state highway department are transferred by a type I transfer to the department of...
- Section 16.453 Commissioner Of State Highways; Transfer Of Powers, Duties, And Functions.
All powers, duties, and functions now vested by law in the commissioner of state highways are transferred by a type I transfer to the...
- Section 16.454 State Highway Commission; Appointment, Qualifications, And Terms Of Members; Vacancy; Quorum; Compensation; Expenses.
The state highway commission shall consist of 4 members, not more than 2 of whom shall be members of the same political party, appointed...
- Section 16.455 Director Of Department; Appointment.
The head of the department of transportation is the director of the department of transportation. The director shall be appointed as provided in section...
- Section 16.456 State Bridge Commission; Transfer And Abolition.
The state bridge commission created under Act No. 147 of the Public Acts of 1935, as amended, being sections 254.151 to 254.167 of the...
- Section 16.457 Mackinac Bridge Authority; Transfer To Department Of Transportation; Powers And Duties Of Authority; Employees; "Authority" Defined.
(1) The Mackinac bridge authority created under 1950 (Ex Sess) PA 21, MCL 254.301 to 254.305, is transferred to the department of transportation. (2)...
- Section 16.458 International Bridge Authority; Transfer.
The international bridge authority created under section 2 of Act No. 237 of the Public Acts of 1935, being section 254.202 of the Michigan...
Last modified: October 10, 2016