Michigan Compiled Laws 300-1949-vi-size-weight-and-load Size, Weight And Load (257.716...257.750)
- Section 257.716 Exceeding Size And Weight Limitations As Misdemeanor; Exceptions; Rules; Operation Of Wrecker, Disabled Vehicle, And Trailer; Noncompliance; Fine.
(1) Unless specifically declared to be a civil infraction, it is a misdemeanor for a person to drive or move or for the owner...
- Section 257.717 Maximum Permissible Width Of Vehicle Or Load; Extension Beyond Center Line Of Highway; Permit; Designation Of Highway For Operation Of Vehicle Or Vehicle Combination; Special Permit; Boat Lift Or Trailer; Violation As Civil Infraction; Charging Owner.
(1) The total outside width of a vehicle or the load on a vehicle shall not exceed 96 inches, except as otherwise provided in...
- Section 257.718 Width Of Load Carried On Passenger Type Vehicle; Violation As Civil Infraction.
(1) A passenger type vehicle shall not be operated on a highway with a load carried on the vehicle extending beyond the line of...
- Section 257.719 Height Of Vehicle; Liability For Damage To Bridge Or Viaduct; Normal Length Maximum; Prohibitions; Connecting Assemblies And Lighting Devices; Gross Weight; Violation As Civil Infraction; Applicability Of Subsections (2)(a) And (3)(b); Definitions.
***** 257.719 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 28, 2016: See 257.719.amended ***** 257.719 Height of vehicle; liability for damage to bridge or viaduct;...
- Section 257.719. Amended Height Of Vehicle; Liability For Damage To Bridge Or Viaduct; Normal Length Maximum; Prohibitions; Length Of Certain Vehicles Prohibited From Operation On State Highways; Combination Of Truck And Semitrailer Transporting Assembled Motor Vehicles Or Bodies; Connecting Assemblies And Lighting Devices; Gross Weight; Violation As Civil Infraction; Applicability Of Subsections (2)(a) And (3)(b); Definitions.
***** 257.719.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 28, 2016 ***** 257.719.amended Height of vehicle; liability for damage to bridge or viaduct; normal length...
- Section 257.719a Operation Of Towing Vehicle To Which Mobile Home Or Park Model Trailer Attached.
(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, a person shall not operate a towing vehicle to which a mobile home or park model...
- Section 257.719b Certain Mobile Homes Transported In Lower Peninsula; Additional Requirements.
All mobile homes transported on the highways of the Lower Peninsula of this state that are more than 14-1/3 feet wide, plus normal appurtenances...
- Section 257.719c Truck And Semitrailers Used For Transporting Passengers For Sightseeing Purposes.
(1) Notwithstanding section 719, a truck may be used to haul not more than 4 semitrailers for the purpose of transporting passengers for sightseeing...
- Section 257.720 Construction Or Loading Of Vehicles To Prevent Contents From Escaping; Exception; Closing Tailgates, Faucets, And Taps; Exemption; Proof Of Violation; Loading Of Vehicles Not Completely Enclosed; Prima Facie Liability; Exceptions; Front End Loading Device; Violation; Penalty; "Logs" Defined.
(1) A person shall not drive or move a vehicle on a highway unless the vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent...
- Section 257.721 Passenger Vehicle Or Pickup Truck Towing Vehicle Or Trailer; Drawbar Or Other Connection; Coupling Devices And Safety Chains; Pickup Truck With Fifth Wheel Assembly; Conditions For Towing Additional Trailer Or Semitrailer; Speed Limit Requirements; Violation As Civil Infraction.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (5), a passenger vehicle or a pickup truck shall not be driven upon a highway drawing or...
- Section 257.722 Maximum Axle Load; Normal Loading Maximum; Designating Highways As Adequate For Heavier Loading; Restrictions As To Tandem Axle Assemblies; Exceptions; Public Utility Vehicles; Normal Size Of Tires; Maximum Wheel Load; Reduction Of Maximum Axle Load On Concrete Pavements During March, April, And May; Exemptions; Suspension Of Restrictions; Determination Of Gross Vehicle Weight And Axle Weights; Designation Of Highways For Operation Of Certain Vehicles; Increase In Axle Loading Maximums; Definitions.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the maximum axle load shall not exceed the number of pounds designated in the following provisions...
- Section 257.722a Transporting Flammable Liquid; Violation As Misdemeanor; Penalty; Enforcement; “in Bulk” Defined; Vehicles Transporting Hazardous Materials.
(1) A truck pulling a trailer, a truck tractor pulling a semitrailer and trailer combination, or a truck tractor pulling 2 semitrailers shall not...
- Section 257.723 Towing Or Platform Bed Wreckers Or Road Service Vehicles; Compliance With Federal Identification Requirements; Violation As Civil Infraction.
(1) All towing or platform bed wreckers or road service vehicles in operation upon the public highways of this state shall have the name,...
- Section 257.724 Stopping Vehicle For Weighing; Shifting Or Removing Load; Civil Fine And Costs; Moving Vehicle To Place Of Safekeeping; Impoundment; Lien; Foreclosure Sale; Powers Of Authorized Agent; Unlawful Weight As Civil Infraction; Fine; Driving Duly Marked Vehicle; Failure To Stop As Misdemeanor.
(1) A police officer, a peace officer, or an authorized agent of the state transportation department or a county road commission having reason to...
- Section 257.724a Axle Weight Requirements; Exception; Weight After Lift Axles Lowered; "Lift Axle" Defined.
(1) The axle weight requirements of this chapter do not apply to a vehicle equipped with lift axles during the period in which axles...
- Section 257.725 Special Permit For Certain Vehicles And Loads Required; Fees; “jurisdictional Authority” Defined.
(1) Upon receipt of a written application and good cause being shown, a jurisdictional authority may issue a written special permit authorizing an applicant...
- Section 257.725a Transportation Of Farm Machinery Or Implements By Dealer; Annual Permit; Condition.
Upon application, the state transportation department may issue an annual permit authorizing a farm implement dealer to transport by truck, truck tractor, semitrailer, or...
- Section 257.726 Prohibitions, Limitations, Or Truck Route Designations By Local Authorities And County Road Commissions; Signs; Written Objection By Adjoining Township; Violation As Civil Infraction.
(1) Local authorities and county road commissions with respect to highways under their jurisdiction, except state trunk line highways, by ordinance or resolution, may...
- Section 257.726a Enforcement Of Act On Boundary Streets Or Highways.
A peace officer of any county, city, village or township of this state may exercise authority and powers outside his own county, city, village...
- Section 257.726b Violation As To Load, Weight, Or Height Of Vehicle Or Load; Powers Of Police Officer.
Any police officer having reason to believe that the load, weight, or height of a vehicle or load is in violation of section 719,...
- Section 257.726c Duly Authorized Agent Of County Road Commission; Shoulder Patch Required; Firearm.
(1) A duly authorized agent of a county road commission when enforcing sections 215, 255, 631(1), 717, 719, 719a, 720, 722, 724, 725, and...
- Section 257.727 Arrest Without Warrant; Arraignment By Magistrate Or Family Division Of Circuit Court.
If a person is arrested without a warrant in any of the following cases, the arrested person shall, without unreasonable delay, be arraigned by...
- Section 257.727a Repealed. 1979, Act 66, Eff. Aug. 1, 1979.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to citations for traffic violations.
- Section 257.727b Citation Books; Issuance; Receipt.
Each police chief, including the state police, and each sheriff shall issue citation books to each police officer of the department whose duties may...
- Section 257.727c “citation” Defined; Numbering, Form, And Parts Of Citation; Modification And Optional Use Of Citation; Complaint Signed By Police Officer As Made Under Oath; Conditions.
(1) As used in this act, “citation” means a complaint or notice upon which a police officer shall record an occurrence involving 1 or...
- Section 257.728 Arrest Without Warrant; Preparation And Contents Of Citation; Informing Offender Of Violation; Arraignment Before Magistrate Or Probate Court; Appearance; Guaranteed Appearance Certificate Or Deposit; Fees; Violation By Officer Or Magistrate; Issuance Of Citation To Operator Involved In Accident; Issuance Of Citation To Person Operating Commercial Motor Vehicle.
(1) When a person is arrested without a warrant for a violation of this act punishable as a misdemeanor, or an ordinance substantially corresponding...
- Section 257.728a Citation; Delivery Of Copies To Police Chief Or Duly Authorized Person; Deposit Of Original With Court; Mailing Original To Court; Spoiled, Mutilated, Or Voided Citation; Criminal Complaint.
(1) At or before the completion of his or her tour of duty a police officer to whom a citation book has been issued...
- Section 257.728b Establishment Of Procedures To Insure Accountability; Maintenance Of Citation Records.
The state treasurer shall establish procedures to insure accountability which shall be maintained by all jurisdictions processing traffic violation citations. The record showing the...
- Section 257.728c Audit Of Citation Records.
A complete audit of such citation records shall be made at least annually by the appropriate fiscal officer of the governmental agency to which...
- Section 257.728d Falsification Of Citation Or Record Of Issuance; Penalty.
Whoever knowingly falsifies a citation or copies thereof or a record of the issuance of same, or disposes of such citation, copy or record,...
- Section 257.728e Accepting Plea; Signing Of Complaint; Filing Sworn Complaint; Warrant For Arrest.
When under section 728 an officer issues a citation for a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, a magistrate may...
- Section 257.729 Fine And Costs.
In addition to a fine assessed for the charge or civil infraction when found guilty or determined responsible, the magistrate may also add to...
- Section 257.730 Provisions Governing Arrests Without Warrant And Issuance Of Citations; Execution Of Warrant.
This chapter shall govern all police officers in making arrests without a warrant and in issuing civil infraction citations for violations of this act,...
- Section 257.731 Evidence Of Conviction Or Civil Infraction Determination Inadmissible In Civil Action.
Evidence of the conviction or civil infraction determination of a person for a violation of this chapter or of a local ordinance pertaining to...
- Section 257.732 Record Of Cases; Forwarding Abstract Of Record Or Report To Secretary Of State; Settlement; Abstracts Forwarded; "Felony In Which A Motor Vehicle Was Used" Defined; Statement; "Felony In Which A Commercial Motor Vehicle Was Used" Defined; Certification That All Abstracts Forwarded; Noncompliance As Misconduct In Office; Location And Public Inspection Of Abstracts; Entering Abstracts On Master Driving Record; Exceptions; Informing Courts Of Violations; Entering Order Of Reversal In Book Or Index; Modifications; Abstract As Part Of Written Notice To Appear; Immediate Report; Expunction Prohibited.
(1) Each municipal judge and each clerk of a court of record shall keep a full record of every case in which a person...
- Section 257.732a Driver Responsibility Fee; Assessment; Notice; Payment By Installment; Failure To Pay Fee; Suspension Of Driving Privileges; Reinstatement; Fire Protection Fund; Creation; Disposition Of Funds; Transmission Of Fees To State Treasurer; Collection Of Assessments Subject To Mcl 257.304; Assessment And Collection; Appropriation.
(1) An individual, whether licensed or not, who accumulates 7 or more points on his or her driving record under sections 320a and 629c...
- Section 257.732b Driver Responsibility Fee; Community Service As Alternative To Paying Fee; "Community Service" Defined.
(1) If an individual was assessed a driver responsibility fee under section 732a(2)(c) or (d), the individual may engage in 10 hours of community...
- Section 257.733 Release Of Accident Information To Nongovernmental Agency; Exception.
(1) The department shall not release information relating to an accident on the record of a driver to a nongovernmental agency unless the driver...
- Section 257.741 Civil Infraction Action As Civil Action; Commencement; Plaintiff; Jurisdiction; Time And Place For Appearance; Venue.
(1) A civil infraction action is a civil action in which the defendant is alleged to be responsible for a civil infraction. A civil...
- Section 257.742 Stopping, Detaining, And Issuing Citation For Civil Infraction; Pursuing, Stopping, And Detaining Person Outside Village, City, Township, Or County; Purpose; Violation As To Load, Weight, Height, Length, Or Width Of Vehicle Or Load; Powers Of Police Officer; Issuing Citation To Driver Of Motor Vehicle; Form Of Citation; Informing Person Of Alleged Civil Infraction; Delivering Copy Of Citation To Alleged Offender; Issuing, Serving, And Processing Citations For Parking And Standing Violations; Filing Citation With Court; “parking Violation Notice” And “parking Violations Bureau” Defined.
(1) A police officer who witnesses a person violating this act or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to this act, which violation is a...
- Section 257.743 Contents Of Citation Issued Pursuant To Mcl 257.742; Timely Appearance.
(1) A citation issued pursuant to section 742 shall contain the name of the state or political subdivision acting as plaintiff, the name and...
- Section 257.744 Admissions Or Denials; Sworn Complaint; Warrant For Arrest.
If an officer issues a citation under section 742 for a civil infraction or if a citation is issued under section 742 for a...
- Section 257.744a Police Officer Knowingly Making Materially False Statement In Citation As Perjury; Felony; Penalty; Contempt Of Court.
A police officer who, knowing the statement is false, makes a materially false statement in a citation issued under section 742 is guilty of...
- Section 257.745 Responding To Allegations In Citation; Appearance In Person, By Representation, Or By Mail; Admission Of Responsibility; Acceptance Of Admission; Denial Of Responsibility; Scheduling Of Informal Or Formal Hearing.
(1) A person to whom a citation is issued under section 742 shall appear by or at the time specified in the citation and...
- Section 257.746 Informal Hearing; Procedure.
(1) An informal hearing shall be conducted by a district court magistrate when authorized by the judge or judges of the district court district...
- Section 257.747 Formal Hearing; Procedure.
(1) A formal hearing shall be conducted only by a judge of a court having jurisdiction over civil infraction actions under section 741(2). (2)...
- Section 257.748 Default Judgment; Suspension Of License.
If the person to whom a citation is issued for a civil infraction fails to appear as directed by the citation or other notice,...
- Section 257.749 Stopping Nonresident For Civil Infraction; Taking Operator's Or Chauffeur's License As Security For Appearance; Delivery Of License To Court, Police Chief, Or Authorized Person; Depositing Driver's License And Citation With Court; Contempt; Arrest; Guaranteed Appearance Certificate Or Deposit; Answering Before Magistrate; Return Or Retention Of License; Receipt; Failure To Deliver Money Deposited As Embezzlement; Default Judgment; Forfeiture Of Certificate Or Money Deposited; “guaranteed Appearance Certificate” Defined.
(1) When a nonresident is stopped under section 742 for a civil infraction, the police officer making the stop shall take that person's operator's...
- Section 257.750 Issuance Of Citations; Number As Factor In Evaluation Of Police Officer's Performance Prohibited; Applicability Of Mcl 257.901; Fees Prohibited; Violation Of Mcl 257.749 As Misconduct In Office; Removal.
(1) A police officer shall not be required to issue a predetermined or specified number of citations for violations of this act or of...
Last modified: October 10, 2016