Michigan Compiled Laws § 287.525 Commercial Feed; Labels; Document For Customer-formula Feed; Information.

287.525 Commercial feed; labels; document for customer-formula feed; information.

Sec. 5.

(1) Commercial feed shall be labeled as follows:

(a) Each container of commercial feed, except a customer-formula feed, shall be accompanied by a label with the following information in legibly printed form:

(i) The quantity statement of the contents.

(ii) The product name and brand name, if any.

(iii) The guaranteed analysis stated in those terms as the director by rule determines is required to advise the user of the composition of the feed or to support claims made in the labeling. The substances or elements must be determinable by laboratory methods such as the methods published by AOAC International.

(iv) The common or usual name of each ingredient used in the manufacture of the commercial feed. However, the director may do either or both of the following:

(A) By rule, permit the use of a collective term for a group of ingredients that perform a similar function.

(B) Exempt commercial feeds, or any group of commercial feeds, from the requirement of this subparagraph if the director finds that the information required is not in the interest of purchasers.

(v) The name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer or the person responsible for distributing the commercial feed.

(vi) Directions for use for all commercial feeds containing drugs and for other feeds the director by rule requires as necessary for their safe and effective use.

(vii) Precautionary statements that the director determines by rule are necessary for the safe and effective use of the commercial feed.

(viii) If a drug product is used, both of the following:

(A) The purpose of the medication.

(B) The established name of each active drug ingredient and the level of each drug used in the final mixture expressed in accordance with rules prescribed as necessary by the director.

(ix) The date of manufacture, processing, packing, or repacking, or a code that permits the determination of the date or enables the segregation of specific lots of feed if the director finds segregation is necessary for the enforcement of this act. Tag perforations, notches, and other similar markings shall not be recognized as suitable codes for the purpose of identifying specific lots of feed unless they can be translated into an alphanumeric code without the use of special tools.

(2) A commercial feed, except a customer-formula feed, distributed in bulk, shall be accompanied by a label in accordance with subsection (1), and the label shall be presented to the purchaser or the purchaser's agent or affixed to the purchaser's storage container at the time of delivery of the commercial feed.

(3) Bulk commercial feed held for further manufacturing or distribution shall be labeled in such a manner that its identity and traceability are maintained at all times.

(4) A customer-formula feed shall be accompanied by a label, invoice, delivery slip, or other shipping document that contains the following information:

(a) The name and address of the manufacturer.

(b) The name and address of the purchaser.

(c) The date of delivery.

(d) The product name.

(e) A quantity statement of the lot or lots delivered.

(f) If a drug product is used, both of the following:

(i) The purpose of the medication.

(ii) The established name of each active ingredient and the level of each drug used in the final mixture expressed in accordance with rules promulgated, as necessary, by the director.

(5) The following information related to a customer-formula feed shall be sent to the purchaser upon delivery, or within 1 business day, by electronic means, such as electronic mail or facsimile:

(a) The quantity statement for each commercial feed and each other ingredient used in the mixture.

(b) Adequate directions for use for all commercial feeds containing drugs and for other feeds as necessary for their safe and effective use if required by rule.

(c) Precautionary statements as necessary for the safe and effective use of the commercial feed if required by rule.

History: 1975, Act 120, Imd. Eff June 26, 1975 ;-- Am. 2015, Act 83, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015

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Last modified: October 10, 2016