Michigan Compiled Laws § 287.539 Actions By Director To Facilitate Continued Access To Market.

287.539 Actions by director to facilitate continued access to market.

Sec. 19.

To facilitate continued access to markets for feed and feed ingredients, the director may do 1 or more of the following:

(a) At the request of a licensee or based upon records voluntarily supplied by a licensee, inspect, audit, or certify locations where feed regulated under this act is stored or business records are kept.

(b) Issue certificates pursuant to subdivision (a), including, but not limited to, certificates of export from this state.

(c) Promulgate rules to inspect, audit, or certify and issue certificates pursuant to this section.

(d) Include a schedule of fees that addresses all activities required under this section. The schedule of fees shall not duplicate those provided in other sections of this act.

History: Add. 2015, Act 83, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015

Section: Previous  287.526  287.527  287.528  287.529  287.530  287.531  287.532  287.533  287.534  287.535  287.536  287.537  287.538  287.539  

Last modified: October 10, 2016