Michigan Compiled Laws § 287.835 Approved Pseudorabies Quarantined Feedlot.

287.835 Approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot.

Sec. 35.

(1) The director shall issue a certificate to the owner of an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot for the acceptance of feeder pigs from a pseudorabies quarantined premises and for the purpose of feeding such pigs in isolation from other animals and for sale and direct movement to slaughter or another approved quarantined feedlot only.

(2) A person shall not accept swine from pseudorabies quarantined herds for any purpose other than slaughter unless prior permission is obtained from the director. The approved quarantined feedlot certificate may be issued by the director following inspection of the swine premises and receipt of a signed agreement between the feedlot owner and the director containing the following conditions:

(a) That swine on the premises are kept in isolation from other domestic livestock.

(b) That an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot be constructed and operated in order to prohibit swine in the feedlot from coming in contact with, or exposing other livestock to, a contagious infectious disease.

(3) An approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot shall be maintained in a condition free from accumulation of manure or waste material. Other livestock shall not have access to manure or other waste material removed from the approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot in accordance with the Michigan right to farm act, Act No. 93 of the Public Acts of 1981, being sections 286.471 to 286.474 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

(4) Drainage from an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot shall not be permitted to flow into areas of access to other livestock.

(5) The facility must be constructed and maintained in such a manner that it can be cleaned and disinfected.

(6) Breeding swine shall not be allowed to enter into an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot. Breeding swine shall not be maintained on the premises of the approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot at any time.

(7) Feeder pigs shall not be moved onto an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot from a quarantined herd unless the feeder pigs are accompanied by a movement permit, a copy of which shall remain at the premises as part of the permanent record of the feedlot.

(8) Swine that do not originate from a quarantined pseudorabies infected herd shall not be moved onto an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot unless such swine bear official identification and are vaccinated for pseudorabies with a pseudorabies veterinary biological approved by the director on or prior to entry into the approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot. Vaccination shall be performed at the approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot at the owner's expense.

(9) Dead swine shall be kept in an area where domestic animals and wildlife cannot have contact with or have access to them and shall be disposed of in accordance with section 57 of the Michigan penal code, Act No. 328 of the Public Acts of 1931, being section 750.57 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

(10) Individual swine shall only be kept in an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot for a maximum of 5 months and then shall be transferred as a direct movement to slaughter or through slaughter market channels to slaughter.

(11) Records of swine purchases and sales, including names of sellers and buyers, dates of purchase and sale, movement permits, proof of vaccination, numbers of head, and individual animal identification shall be kept for not less than 1 year by the approved quarantined feedlot owner. The director may inspect and make copies of the records of any approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot at any time to determine the origin and disposition of any animals handled by the feedlot and to determine if provisions of the act or rules have been violated.

(12) A certificate issued to the owner of an approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot shall expire 12 months after an agreement described in subsection (2) is entered into. The director shall issue a certificate for another 12-month period upon compliance of the feedlot owner with subsection (2).

(13) The director may revoke the certificate and prohibit entry of any swine to the approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot premises at any time it is determined that the provisions of this act or rules promulgated pursuant to this act have been violated or it is determined by the director there has been failure to maintain compliance with this act or the rules promulgated pursuant to this act.

(14) The certificate shall expire not later than 90 days after the date on which notice is received from the director that the county where the approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot is located has less than 10 quarantined infected herds. Swine shall not be added to an approved quarantined feedlot after expiration or revocation of the certificate until all swine have been removed and the premises cleaned by the operator then disinfected under the supervision of the director.

History: 1992, Act 239, Eff. Mar. 31, 1993

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Last modified: October 10, 2016