Michigan Compiled Laws § 324.11715b Rules; Requirements For Receiving Facilities And Control Of Nuisance Conditions; Notice Of Operation; Penalties For Noncompliance.

324.11715b Rules; requirements for receiving facilities and control of nuisance conditions; notice of operation; penalties for noncompliance.

Sec. 11715b.

(1) The department shall promulgate rules establishing design and operating requirements for receiving facilities and the control of nuisance conditions.

(2) A person shall not commence construction of a receiving facility on or after the date on which rules are promulgated under subsection (1) unless the owner has a permit from the department authorizing the construction of the receiving facility. The application for a permit shall include a basis of design for the receiving facility, engineering plans for the receiving facility sealed by an engineer licensed to practice in Michigan, and any other information required by the department. If the proposed receiving facility will be part of a sewerage system whose construction is required to be permitted under part 41 or a research, development, and demonstration project whose construction and operation is required to be permitted under section 11511b, the permit issued under part 41 or part 115, respectively, satisfies the permitting requirement of this subsection.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), a person shall not operate a receiving facility contrary to an operating plan approved by the department.

(4) If the operation of a receiving facility commenced before October 12, 2004, subsection (3) applies to that receiving facility beginning October 12, 2005.

(5) Before submitting a proposed operating plan to the department for approval, a person shall do all of the following:

(a) Publish notice of the proposed operating plan in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the receiving facility is located.

(b) If the person maintains a website, post notice of the proposed operating plan on its website.

(c) Submit notice of the proposed operating plan by first-class mail to the county health department and the legislative body of each city, village, and township located in whole or in part within the service area of the receiving facility.

(6) Notice of a proposed operating plan under subsection (5) shall contain all of the following:

(a) A statement that the receiving facility proposes to receive or, in the case of a receiving facility described in subsection (4), to continue to receive septage waste for treatment.

(b) A copy of the proposed operating plan or a statement where the operating plan is available for review during normal business hours.

(c) A request for written comments on the proposed operation of the receiving facility and the deadline for receipt of such comments, which shall be not less than 30 days after publication, posting, or mailing of the notice.

(7) After the deadline for receipt of comments under subsection (6), the person proposing to operate a receiving facility may modify the plan in response to any comments received and shall submit a summary of the comments and the current version of the proposed operating plan to the department for approval.

(8) The operator of a receiving facility may modify an approved operating plan if the modifications are approved by the department. Subsections (5) to (7) do not apply to the modification of the operating plan.

(9) If the owner or operator of a receiving facility violates this section or rules promulgated under this section, after providing an opportunity for a hearing, the department may order that a receiving facility cease operation as a receiving facility.

(10) The department shall post on its website both of the following:

(a) Approved operating plans, including any modifications under subsection (8).

(b) Notice of any orders under subsection (9).

(11) If construction of a receiving facility commenced before the date on which rules are promulgated under subsection (1), all of the following apply:

(a) Within 1 year after the date on which rules are promulgated under subsection (1), the owner of the receiving facility shall submit to the department and obtain department approval of a report prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practice in Michigan describing the receiving facility's state of compliance with the rules and proposing any modifications to the receiving facility necessary to comply with the rules.

(b) If, according to the report approved under subdivision (a), modifications to the receiving facility are necessary to comply with the rules promulgated under subsection (1), within 18 months after the report is approved under subdivision (a), the owner of the receiving facility shall submit to the department engineering plans for modifying the receiving facility and shall obtain a construction permit from the department for modifying the receiving facility.

(c) Within 3 years after the report is approved under subdivision (a), the owner of the receiving facility shall complete construction modifying the receiving facility so that it complies with those rules.

(12) After a hearing, the department may order that a receiving facility whose owner fails to comply with this section cease operating as a receiving facility.

History: Add. 2004, Act 381, Imd. Eff. Oct. 12, 2004 ;-- Am. 2005, Act 199, Eff. Nov. 22, 2005
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA

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Last modified: October 10, 2016