Michigan Compiled Laws § 324.71604 Project Funding; Conditions.

324.71604 Project funding; conditions.

Sec. 71604.

The department shall consider a project application for funding under this part if it is in compliance with all of the following conditions:

(a) The application is submitted by the deadline established by the department.

(b) The application is complete and submitted on the form required by the department.

(c) The application includes the following information:

(i) An 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch project location map.

(ii) An 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch preliminary site development plan.

(iii) Preliminary floor plans and elevation drawings for any building construction.

(iv) A certified resolution from the governing body of the local unit of government stating that the proposal will be undertaken if a grant is awarded and designating an authorized project representative.

(v) Evidence and results of a preannounced public meeting on the application proposal.

(vi) A brief description of the project proposal.

(vii) The total cost of the project proposal and the amount of grant requested.

(viii) Sources of the local match.

(ix) A breakdown of development items and their projected costs.

(x) A narrative, limited to 1 page, of what the proposal is and why it is needed.

(xi) Attestation, by signature of an authorized project representative, that all statements on the application form are true, complete, and accurate to the best of the representative's knowledge.

(xii) Other information as determined by the department.

(d) The local unit of government has an approved community recreation plan on file with the department. Department-approved plans are valid through December 31 of the fifth full calendar year after adoption by the local unit's governing body.

(e) The project for which funding assistance is sought is listed and justified in the local unit of government's recreation plan.

(f) The local unit of government has submitted notice of the project application to the regional planning agency for review.

(g) The local unit of government has fee title or a legal instrument that demonstrates property control for not less than 15 years from the date of application. If control is evidenced by less than fee title, the length of control shall be commensurate with the value of the proposed project.

(h) The local unit of government's grant request is not more than $750,000.00 and not less than $15,000.00. An applicant may receive more than 1 grant in a funding cycle.

(i) The proposed project addresses at least 1 of the following purposes as described in section 71602:

(i) Infrastructure improvement.

(ii) Community recreation.

(iii) Tourist attraction.

(j) The proposed project is not for the purpose of meeting the physical education and athletic program requirements of a school. Facilities funded under this program on school grounds shall not restrict public use to less than 50% of operating hours. A schedule of when such sites are open to the public may be requested by the department.

(k) The proposed project does not unfairly compete with the private sector. Projects that would create an unfairly competitive situation with private enterprises are not eligible for funding. In situations where privately managed facilities are providing identical or similar recreation opportunities, the local unit of government shall provide written justification of the need for the proposed facility in light of the private sector's presence.

History: Add. 1998, Act 286, Eff. Dec. 1, 1998
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA

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Last modified: October 10, 2016