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Michigan Compiled Laws Act 139 Of 1909 Hospitals And Sanatoria (331.101 - 331.105)
AN ACT relative to the maintenance and construction of hospitals and sanatoria within the counties of this state and to provide a tax to raise moneys therefor.
1909, Act 139, Eff. Sept. 1, 1909
Section 331.101 County Taxation In Aid Of Hospitals; Power Of Supervisors.
The several boards of county supervisors of this state may raise by a tax to be levied on the property of said county, subject...
Section 331.102 County Taxation; Apportionment, Collection, Limit.
The tax provided for herein shall be apportioned and collected as other taxes for county purposes. Said tax shall not exceed 2/10 of 1...
Section 331.103 County Taxation; Payment To Institution, Expenditures.
When the tax herein provided for shall be collected it shall be paid to the institution for which the same is raised, upon the...
Section 331.104 Sanatorium Trustees; Annual Report To County Supervisors, Contents.
It shall be the duty of the trustees or other officers of any hospital or sanitarium receiving any such assistance, to report once a...
Section 331.105 Sanatorium; Placement On Approved List; Report; Certificate; State Aid.
A sanatorium established under the provisions of this act solely for the treatment of tuberculosis that has expended at least $10,000.00 in buildings and...
Last modified: October 10, 2016