Michigan Compiled Laws § 333.16647 Dental Laboratory; Inspection; Compliance; Violation As Misdemeanor.

333.16647 Dental laboratory; inspection; compliance; violation as misdemeanor.

Sec. 16647.

(1) The board or an agent or employee of the board may inspect a dental laboratory to determine the laboratory's compliance with this part.

(2) A dental laboratory which violates this part or refuses to allow the board or an agent or employee of the board to inspect a work authorization, prosthetic denture, bridge, orthodontic or other appliance, or structure to be used as a substitute for or as a part of human teeth or jaws or associated structures or for the correction of malocclusions or deformities in its possession is guilty of a misdemeanor.

History: 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978
Popular Name: Act 368

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Last modified: October 10, 2016