Michigan Compiled Laws § 333.2458 Establishment Of Cemetery; Requirements; Determinations; Approval; Disposition Of Plats; Vacating Cemetery; Removal And Reinterment Of Bodies And Remains.

333.2458 Establishment of cemetery; requirements; determinations; approval; disposition of plats; vacating cemetery; removal and reinterment of bodies and remains.

Sec. 2458.

(1) A person or governmental entity shall not establish a cemetery in this state until a description of the premises and a plat showing the cemetery's division is filed in duplicate with the local health department having jurisdiction of the premises. A local health department shall not approve a proposed cemetery if the local health department determines that establishment or operation of the cemetery would be injurious to the public health. The local health department shall determine whether it is safe and healthful for a cemetery to be established in the proposed location and if the local health department approves the location and the plat of the premises, the local health department shall indorse its approval on both plats. When the establishment of a cemetery is approved, 1 plat shall be returned to the proprietor and the other shall be retained and preserved by the local health department.

(2) The local health department shall supervise activities to vacate a cemetery and the removal and reinterment of bodies and remains.

History: 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978
Popular Name: Act 368

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Last modified: October 10, 2016