Michigan Compiled Laws § 41.424 Township Parks; Plan For Acquisition, Specifications; Referendum, Adoption, Record.

41.424 Township parks; plan for acquisition, specifications; referendum, adoption, record.

Sec. 4.

Any plan for the securing such park or resort shall fully set forth the premises which it is intended to occupy as a park or resort, and specify the sum which each of said townships will raise by tax each year for the maintenance and support thereof, which shall not be less than 1/10 of a mill nor more than 5 mills on the respective valuations of each of said townships. Said moneys so received shall be paid to the treasurer of said board of commissioners, and shall be paid out on orders drawn on him, signed by the chairman and secretary of said board of commissioners. The full proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors of each township at a regular or special election, and if adopted by a majority vote shall be a binding contract on such township, and if adopted, shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds in the county or counties in which said lands shall be situated. The manner of conducting, noticing, canvassing, returning and declaring the result of such election shall, as near as may be, be the same as is now prescribed by the general election law governing elections in said townships for the election of township officers.

History: 1905, Act 157, Eff. Sept. 16, 1905 ;-- CL 1915, 2195 ;-- CL 1929, 2403 ;-- CL 1948, 41.424

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Last modified: October 10, 2016