Michigan Compiled Laws § 445.655 Installation Of Vision Technology.

445.655 Installation of vision technology.

Sec. 5.

Not later than 450 days after the effective date of this act, a reverse vending machine manufacturer shall begin installing vision technology into a sufficient sample of reverse vending machines that process glass beverage containers and plastic beverage containers and conducting testing of that vision technology in a commercial environment or other testing environment that is substantially similar to a commercial environment.

History: 2008, Act 387, Eff. Dec. 1, 2009

Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 1 of Act 387 of 2008 provides:"Enacting section 1. This act takes effect on the date that deposits into the beverage container redemption antifraud fund created in the beverage container redemption antifraud act from money appropriated by the legislature equal or exceed $1,000,000.00."

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Last modified: October 10, 2016