Michigan Compiled Laws § 450.2131 Submission Of Documents; Delivery; Endorsement; Indexing; Returning Copy Or Original; Public Inspection; Maintenance Of Records And Files; Reproductions; Effective Date Of Document; Fees.

450.2131 Submission of documents; delivery; endorsement; indexing; returning copy or original; public inspection; maintenance of records and files; reproductions; effective date of document; fees.

Sec. 131.

(1) A document required or permitted to be filed under this act shall be submitted by delivering the document to the administrator together with the fees and accompanying documents required by law. The administrator may establish a procedure for accepting delivery of a document submitted under this subsection by facsimile or by other electronic transmission. The administrator shall accept delivery of documents submitted by electronic mail or over the internet.

(2) If a document submitted under subsection (1) substantially conforms to the requirements of this act, the administrator shall endorse on it the word "filed" with his or her official title and the dates of receipt and of filing, and shall file and index the document or a reproduction of the document pursuant to the records reproduction act, 1992 PA 116, MCL 24.401 to 24.406, in his or her office. If requested at the time of the delivery of the document to the administrator's office, the administrator shall include the hour of filing in the endorsement on the document.

(3) The administrator may return a copy of a document filed under subsection (2), or, at his or her discretion, the original, to the person that submitted the document for filing. The administrator shall mark the filing date on the copy or original before returning it or may provide proof of the filing date to the person that submitted the document for filing in another manner determined by the administrator.

(4) The records and files of the administrator relating to domestic and foreign corporations shall be open to reasonable inspection by the public. The administrator may maintain the records or files either in their original form or in the form of reproductions pursuant to the records reproduction act, 1992 PA 116, MCL 24.401 to 24.406, and may destroy the original of the reproduced documents.

(5) The administrator may make reproductions of any documents filed under this act, or any predecessor act, pursuant to the records reproduction act, 1992 PA 116, MCL 24.401 to 24.406, and may destroy the originals of the reproduced documents.

(6) A document filed under subsection (2) is effective at the time it is endorsed unless a subsequent effective time, not later than 90 days after the date of delivery, is set forth in the document.

(7) The administrator shall charge 1 of the following nonrefundable fees if expedited filing of a document by the administrator is requested and the administrator shall retain the revenue collected under this subsection and the department shall use it to carry out its duties required by law:

(a) For any filing that a person requests the administrator to complete within 1 hour on the same day as the day of the request, $1,000.00. The department may establish a deadline by which a person must submit a request for filing under this subdivision.

(b) For any filing that a person requests the administrator to complete within 2 hours on the same day as the day of the request, $500.00. The department may establish a deadline by which a person must submit a request for filing under this subdivision.

(c) Except for a filing request under subdivision (a) or (b), for the filing of any formation or qualification document that a person requests the administrator to complete on the same day as the day of the request, $100.00. The department may establish a deadline by which a person must submit a request for filing under this subdivision.

(d) Except for a filing request under subdivision (a) or (b), for the filing of any other document concerning an existing domestic corporation or a qualified foreign corporation that a person requests the administrator to complete on the same day as the day of the request, $200.00. The department may establish a deadline by which a person must submit a request for filing under this subdivision.

(e) For the filing of any formation or qualification document that a person requests the administrator to complete within 24 hours of the time the administrator receives the request, $50.00.

(f) For the filing of any other document concerning an existing domestic corporation or a qualified foreign corporation that a person requests the administrator to complete within 24 hours of the time the administrator receives the request, $100.00.

History: 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983 ;-- Am. 1992, Act 198, Imd. Eff. Oct. 5, 1992 ;-- Am. 2005, Act 219, Eff. Jan. 1, 2006 ;-- Am. 2014, Act 557, Imd. Eff. Jan. 15, 2015

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Last modified: October 10, 2016