Michigan Compiled Laws R-s-1846-450-691-53-libraries-an Libraries And Lyceums. (450.691...450.696)
- Section 450.691 Incorporation Of Library By Proprietors; Meeting; Notice.
Any 7 or more proprietors of a library may form themselves into a corporation, under such corporate name as they may adopt, for the...
- Section 450.692 Libraries; Proprietors; Powers; Proceedings, Certificate; Recording.
Any 7 or more of the proprietors of such library, met in pursuance of such notice, may choose a president, a clerk, a librarian,...
- Section 450.693 Libraries; Powers Of Corporation; Governing Law.
When such proprietors shall be organized as a corporation in the manner hereinbefore provided, they shall have all the powers and privileges, and be...
- Section 450.694 Libraries; Collector And Treasurer, Bond.
The treasurer and collector shall give bond to such corporation, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the president, for the faithful discharge of...
- Section 450.695 Libraries; Shares, Assessment And Transfer; Holding Of Property.
The said proprietors may raise such sums of money by assessment on the shares as they shall judge necessary for the purpose of preserving,...
- R-s-1846-450-691-53-libraries-an Of Lyceums. (450.696...450.696)
Last modified: October 10, 2016