Michigan Compiled Laws 23-1993-8 Article 8 (450.4801...450.4808)
- Section 450.4801 Dissolution And Winding Up; Conditions.
A limited liability company is dissolved and its affairs shall be wound up when the first of the following occurs: (a) Automatically, if a...
- Section 450.4802 Dissolution; Decree By Circuit Court.
Upon application by or for a member, the circuit court for the county in which the registered office of a limited liability company is...
- Section 450.4803 Dissolution; Action By Attorney General; Grounds; Other Actions Not Excluded.
(1) The attorney general may bring an action in the circuit court for the county in which the registered office of a limited liability...
- Section 450.4804 Certificate Of Dissolution; Filing; Contents.
(1) When it begins winding up its affairs, a limited liability company that dissolves under section 801(b) or (c) shall execute a certificate of...
- Section 450.4805 Winding Up By Managers, Members, Or Circuit Court; Procedures; Right To Maintain Actions.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in the articles of organization, an operating agreement, or this section, the members or managers that have not wrongfully...
- Section 450.4806 Dissolution; Notice To Existing Claimants; Contents; Validity Of Claim Not Recognized; Claims Barred Under Certain Conditions; “existing Claim” Defined; Effective Date Of Notice.
(1) The dissolved limited liability company may notify its existing claimants in writing of the dissolution at any time after the effective date of...
- Section 450.4807 Dissolution; Publication Of Notice; Requirements; Commencing Proceeding To Enforce Claims; Claimants With Known Existing Claims Not Receiving Notice.
(1) A dissolved limited liability company may also publish notice of dissolution and request that persons with claims against the company present them in...
- Section 450.4808 Winding Up; Distribution Of Assets; Order; Filing Tax Returns And Paying Tax Obligations.
(1) Upon the winding up of a limited liability company, the assets shall be distributed in the following order: (a) To creditors, including members...
Last modified: October 10, 2016