Michigan Compiled Laws 284-1972-2 Chapter 2 Formation; Purposes And Powers (450.1201...450.1275)
- Section 450.1201 Incorporators.
(1) One or more persons may be the incorporators of a corporation by signing and filing articles of incorporation for the corporation. (2) A...
- Section 450.1202 Articles Of Incorporation; Contents.
The articles of incorporation shall contain all of the following: (a) The name of the corporation. (b) The purposes for which the corporation is...
- Section 450.1204 Articles Of Incorporation; Provision As To Compromise, Arrangement, Or Plan Of Reorganization.
The articles of incorporation may contain the following provision or the substance thereof: When a compromise or arrangement or a plan of reorganization of...
- Section 450.1205 Articles Of Incorporation; Effect Of Provision As To Compromise, Arrangement, Or Plan Of Reorganization.
(1) When the provision of section 204 is included in the original articles of incorporation of a corporation, all persons who become creditors or...
- Section 450.1209 Articles Of Incorporation; Permissible Provisions.
(1) The articles of incorporation may contain any provision not inconsistent with this act or another statute of this state, including any of the...
- Section 450.1211 Corporate Name; Required Words And Abbreviations.
Except as provided in chapter 2A for a professional corporation, the corporate name of a domestic corporation shall contain the word "corporation", "company", "incorporated",...
- Section 450.1212 Corporate Name; Conformity; Noncompliance Of Corporate Name Of Foreign Corporation As Bar To Certificate Of Authority; Rights To Use Of Corporate Name Not Created.
(1) The corporate name of a domestic or foreign corporation formed or existing under or subject to this act shall conform to all of...
- Section 450.1213 Assumption Of Name Implying Banking, Insurance, Surety, Or Trust Company; Prohibited Letters Or Words; Corporation Licensed As Nursing Home; Use Of Terms.
(1) A corporation formed or existing under or subject to this act other than a bank holding company registered or to be registered as...
- Section 450.1215 Corporate Name; Reservation Of Right To Use; Transfer Of Right.
(1) A person may reserve the right to use of a corporate name by executing and filing an application to reserve the name. If...
- Section 450.1217 Transacting Business Under Assumed Name; Certificate.
(1) A domestic or foreign corporation may transact business under any assumed name or names other than its corporate name, if not precluded from...
- Section 450.1221 Beginning Of Corporate Existence; Filing Of Articles As Evidence.
The corporate existence shall begin on the effective date of the articles of incorporation as provided in section 131. Filing is conclusive evidence that...
- Section 450.1223 Selection Of Board; Adoption Of Bylaws; First Meeting; Quorum; Election Of Officers; Transaction Of Business.
Before or after filing of the articles of incorporation a majority of the incorporators, at a meeting or by written instrument, shall select a...
- Section 450.1231 Adoption, Amendment, Or Repeal Of Bylaws; Contents Of Bylaws.
The initial bylaws of a corporation shall be adopted by its incorporators, its shareholders, or its board. The shareholders or the board may amend...
- Section 450.1241 Registered Office And Resident Agent Required; Address.
(1) Each domestic corporation and each foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state shall have and continuously maintain in this state both...
- Section 450.1242 Changing Registered Office Or Resident Agent; Statement; Changing Address Of Registered Office.
(1) A domestic corporation or a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state may change its registered office or change its resident...
- Section 450.1243 Resignation Of Resident Agent.
A resident agent of a domestic or foreign corporation may resign by filing a written notice of resignation with the president or a vice...
- Section 450.1246 Service Of Process.
(1) The resident agent appointed by a corporation is an agent of the corporation upon whom any process, notice, or demand required or permitted...
- Section 450.1251 Formation Of Corporation For Lawful Purpose; Exception; Aiding National Emergency.
(1) A corporation may be formed under this act for any lawful purpose, except to engage in a business for which a corporation may...
- Section 450.1261 Corporate Powers.
A corporation, subject to any limitation provided in this act, in any other statute of this state, or in its articles of incorporation, shall...
- Section 450.1271 Asserting Lack Of Corporate Capacity Or Power.
An act of a corporation and a transfer of real or personal property to or by a corporation, otherwise lawful, is not invalid because...
- Section 450.1275 Agreement To Pay Interest In Excess Of Legal Rate; Defense Of Usury Prohibited.
A domestic or foreign corporation, whether or not formed at the request of a lender or in furtherance of a business enterprise, may by...
Last modified: October 10, 2016