Michigan Compiled Laws R-s-1846-450-504-55-corporations Corporations (450.504...450.525)
- Section 450.504 Absence Or Death Of Person Authorized To Call Or Preside At Legal Meeting Of Corporation; Application; Warrant To Call Meeting.
If by reason of the death, absence, or other legal impediment of the officers of any corporation, there is no person duly authorized to...
- Section 450.507 Holding Of Land; Subscriptions; Donations; Stock Transfer; Articles, Amendment.
Every such corporation may hold land to an amount authorized by law, and may convey the same and may receive subscriptions to its capital...
- Section 450.519 Contributions; Recovery In Chancery.
When the officers or members of a corporation, or any of them, are liable for any debts of the corporation, or for any acts...
- Section 450.520 Acts Of Incorporation; Amendment, Alteration Or Repeal.
Every act of incorporation passed since the twentieth day of April, in the year 1839, or which shall be hereafter passed, shall at any...
- Section 450.521 Assessing Officers; Returns, Contents.
It shall be the duty of the clerk of every corporation within this state, whose capital stock is or shall be subject to taxation...
- Section 450.522 Assessing Officers; Returns, Default; Penalty.
If any clerk or director mentioned in the preceding section, shall refuse or neglect to make such return, or shall wilfully make a false...
- Section 450.523 Fraudulent Transfer Of Shares To Avoid Taxation; Penalty.
If any shareholder shall fraudulently transfer any share in either of the corporations mentioned in the twenty-third section of this chapter, for the purpose...
- Section 450.524 Returns To State Treasurer; Default, Computation, State Tax.
The cashier of each bank and the secretary or clerk of each incorporated railroad, canal or turnpike company shall, on the first Monday of...
- Section 450.525 Attorney General And Legislature; Examination.
It shall be the duty of the attorney general whenever and as often as he shall be required by the governor, to examine into...
Last modified: October 10, 2016