Michigan Compiled Laws § 454.105 Arbeiter Bunds; Convention Of Delegates, Powers; Meeting, Time, Place; Delegates, Selection.

454.105 Arbeiter bunds; convention of delegates, powers; meeting, time, place; delegates, selection.

Sec. 5.

The affairs of such corporation shall be controlled by a convention of delegates, which shall meet at least once in every 2 years in some suitable place in this state. Such delegates shall be appointed or elected by the respective societies forming such corporation, and the number of delegates which each society is entitled to send to such convention shall be determined by the constitution and by-laws of such association. The place of holding the first convention shall be designated by the delegates signing the articles of association under this act, and each convention held thereafter, before final adjournment, shall name the place of holding the next convention. The time of holding the same shall be specified by the constitution and by-laws of such association.

History: 1887, Act 42, Imd. Eff. Mar. 21, 1887 ;-- How. 3934n ;-- CL 1897, 7445 ;-- CL 1915, 9817 ;-- CL 1929, 10288 ;-- CL 1948, 454.105

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Last modified: October 10, 2016