Michigan Compiled Laws § 46.16d Coordinating Committee; Duty; Composition; Election Of Members; Eligibility.

46.16d Coordinating committee; duty; composition; election of members; eligibility.

Sec. 16d.

(1) A coordinating committee shall assist in the planning and implementation of a consolidation under sections 16b and 16c. The coordinating committee is composed of the supervisor, clerk, and treasurer of each affected township and a number of residents of each affected township as specified and elected under this section. If 2 townships are being consolidated, the township with the larger population may elect not more than 2 residents to the coordinating committee, and the township with the smaller population may elect not more than 1 resident. If 3 or more townships are being consolidated, each township with a larger population may elect not more than 2 residents to the coordinating committee, and the township with the smallest population may elect not more than 1 resident.

(2) In an order submitting a proposed consolidation to the electors of the affected townships, the county board of commissioners shall order an election to be held at the same time for the resident members of the coordinating committee. If the proposed consolidation is not approved, the election of members to the coordinating committee is void.

(3) A resident member of a coordinating committee shall be a registered elector of the township that the member represents. An elected or appointed township officer or employee is not eligible to be a resident member of a coordinating committee.

History: Add. 1988, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 4, 1988

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Last modified: October 10, 2016