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Michigan Compiled Laws Act 189 Of 1929 Meetings Of Association (49.61 - 49.63)
AN ACT to provide for holding meetings of the prosecuting attorneys' association of Michigan, and to defray the expenses incident thereto.
1929, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 28, 1929
Section 49.61 Prosecuting Attorneys' Association; Annual Meeting, Time And Place, Notice.
At such time before the first day of December of each year as the president of the prosecuting attorneys' association shall designate by written...
Section 49.62 Prosecuting Attorneys' Association; Duty To Inform Members As To Changes In Legislation.
It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorneys' association to keep the prosecuting attorneys of the state informed of all changes in legislation,...
Section 49.63 Repealed. 1952, Act 142, Eff. Sept. 18, 1952.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for expenses of prosecuting attorney incurred in attending annual meeting.
Last modified: October 10, 2016