Michigan Compiled Laws R-s-1846-558-1-66-estates-in-dow Estates In Dower (558.1...558.29)
- Section 558.1 Right Of Widow To Dower.
The widow of every deceased person, shall be entitled to dower, or the use during her natural life, of 1/3 part of all the...
- Section 558.2 Dower In Lands Exchanged; Election.
If a husband seized of an estate of inheritance in lands, exchange them for other lands, his widow shall not have dower of both,...
- Section 558.3 Dower In Mortgaged Lands; Mortgage Before Marriage.
When a person seized of an estate of inheritance in lands, shall have executed a mortgage of such estate before marriage, his widow shall...
- Section 558.4 Dower In Mortgaged Lands; Purchase Money Mortgage Given After Marriage.
When a husband shall purchase lands during coverture, and shall at the same time mortgage his estate in such lands to secure the payment...
- Section 558.5 Dower In Surplus Of Proceeds From Foreclosure Of Mortgage.
Where in either of the cases mentioned in the 2 last preceding sections, or in case of a mortgage in which she shall have...
- Section 558.6 Dower In Lands Released By Payment Of Mortgage.
If, in either of the cases above specified, the heir or other person claiming under the husband, shall pay and satisfy the mortgage, the...
- Section 558.7 Dower In Aliened Lands; Estimation.
When a widow shall be entitled to dower out of any lands which shall have been aliened by the husband in his lifetime, and...
- Section 558.12 Alternative Dower Rights Before Assignment; Occupation, Profits And Rents Receipts.
When a widow is entitled to dower in the lands of which her husband died seized, she may continue to occupy the same with...
- Section 558.13 Barring Of Dower; Joining In Conveyance, Release.
A married woman residing within this state may bar her right of dower in any estate conveyed by her husband or by his guardian,...
- Section 558.14 Barring Of Dower; Jointure.
A woman may also be barred of her dower in all the lands of her husband by a jointure settled on her with her...
- Section 558.15 Barring Of Dower; Expression Of Assent To Jointure.
Such assent shall be expressed, if the woman be of full age, by her becoming a party to the conveyance by which it is...
- Section 558.16 Barring Of Dower; Antenuptial Pecuniary Provisions.
Any pecuniary provision that shall be made for the benefit of an intended wife, and in lieu of dower, shall, if assented to as...
- Section 558.20 Renewal Of Dower.
If a woman is lawfully evicted of lands assigned to her as dower, or settled upon her as jointure or is deprived of the...
- Section 558.21 Dower Right Of Aliens And Nonresidents.
A woman being an alien, shall not on that account be barred of her dower, and any woman residing out of the state, shall...
- Section 558.22 Waste Liability; Maintenance Of Tenements And Appurtenances.
No woman, who shall be endowed of any lands, shall commit or suffer any waste on the same, but every woman so endowed shall...
- Section 558.24 Damages Upon Recovery Of Dower; Widow's Rights.
Whenever in any action brought for the purpose, a widow shall recover her dower in lands of which her husband shall have died seized,...
- Section 558.25 Damages Upon Recovery Of Dower; Measure.
Such damages shall be 1/3 part of the annual value of the mesne profits of the lands in which she shall so recover her...
- Section 558.26 Damages Upon Recovery Of Dower; Use Of Added Improvements.
Such damages shall not be estimated for the use of any permanent improvements made after the death of her husband by his heirs, or...
- Section 558.27 Damages Upon Recovery Of Dower; Against Heir Alienating Land.
When a widow shall recover her dower in any lands alienated by the heir of her husband, she shall be entitled to recover of...
- Section 558.28 Assignment Of Dower; Effect Of Acceptance.
When the widow shall have accepted an assignment of dower, in satisfaction of her claim upon all the lands of her husband, it shall...
- Section 558.29 Collusive Recovery By Widow; Effect On Rights Of Infants Or Others Entitled To Land.
When a widow not having right to dower, shall during the infancy of the heirs of the husband, or any of them, or of...
Last modified: October 10, 2016