Michigan Compiled Laws § 600.1070 Admission Of Individual Into Drug Treatment Court; Requirements.

600.1070 Admission of individual into drug treatment court; requirements.

Sec. 1070.

(1) Upon admitting an individual into a drug treatment court, all of the following apply:

(a) For an individual who is admitted to a drug treatment court based upon having criminal charges currently filed against him or her, the court shall accept the plea of guilty or, in the case of a juvenile, the admission of responsibility.

(b) For an individual who pled guilty to, or admitted responsibility for, criminal charges for which he or she was admitted into the drug treatment court, the court shall do either of the following:

(i) In the case of an individual who pled guilty to an offense that is not a traffic offense and who may be eligible for discharge and dismissal pursuant to the agreement with the court and prosecutor upon successful completion of the drug treatment court program, the court shall not enter a judgment of guilt or, in the case of a juvenile, shall not enter an adjudication of responsibility.

(ii) In the case of an individual who pled guilty to a traffic offense or who pled guilty to an offense but may not be eligible for discharge and dismissal pursuant to the agreement with the court and prosecutor upon successful completion of the drug treatment court program, the court shall enter a judgment of guilt or, in the case of a juvenile, shall enter an adjudication of responsibility.

(c) Pursuant to the agreement with the individual and the prosecutor, the court may either defer further proceedings as provided in section 1 of chapter XI of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 771.1, or proceed to sentencing, as applicable in that case pursuant to that agreement, and place the individual on probation or other court supervision in the drug treatment court program with terms and conditions according to the agreement and as deemed necessary by the court.

(2) The court shall maintain jurisdiction over the drug treatment court participant as provided in this act until final disposition of the case, but not longer than the probation period fixed under section 2 of chapter XI of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 771.2. In the case of a juvenile participant, the court may obtain jurisdiction over any parents or guardians of the juvenile in order to assist in ensuring the juvenile's continued participation and successful completion of the drug treatment court, and may issue and enforce any appropriate and necessary order regarding the parent or guardian of a juvenile participant.

(3) The drug treatment court shall cooperate with, and act in a collaborative manner with, the prosecutor, defense counsel, treatment providers, the local substance abuse coordinating agency for that circuit or district, probation departments, and, to the extent possible, local law enforcement, the department of corrections, and community corrections agencies.

(4) The drug treatment court may require an individual admitted into the court to pay a reasonable drug court fee that is reasonably related to the cost to the court for administering the drug treatment court program as provided in the memorandum of understanding under section 1062. The clerk of the drug treatment court shall transmit the fees collected to the treasurer of the local funding unit at the end of each month.

(5) The drug treatment court may request that the department of state police provide to the court information contained in the law enforcement information network pertaining to an individual applicant's criminal history for purposes of determining the individual's compliance with all court orders. The department of state police shall provide the information requested by a drug treatment court under this subsection.

History: Add. 2004, Act 224, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005

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Last modified: October 10, 2016