Michigan Compiled Laws § 600.303a Transition To 6 Judges In Each District.

600.303a Transition to 6 judges in each district.

Sec. 303a.

To effectuate the transition to 6 judges in each district, each district is entitled to 6 judges as follows:

(a) If there are not more than 6 incumbent court of appeals judges in a district on March 25, 2012, the number of judgeships in that district shall remain at 6.

(b) If there are more than 6 court of appeals judgeships in a district on March 25, 2012 and 1 of those judgeships is vacant, that judgeship is eliminated. If more than 1 of the judgeships in that district is vacant, only the vacant judgeship with the shortest remaining term is eliminated. If the elimination of a judgeship results in 6 incumbent court of appeals judges in that district, the number of judgeships in that district shall remain at 6.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, if there are more than 6 court of appeals judgeships in a district on March 25, 2012 and there are no judgeships to be eliminated under subdivision (b), 1 judgeship shall be eliminated from the district at the beginning of the term for which an incumbent judge of the court of appeals does not seek election or reelection to that office until there are 6 incumbent judges in that district. Thereafter, the number of judgeships in the district shall remain at 6. However, a judgeship held by an incumbent judge who is serving by appointment of the governor shall not be eliminated under this subdivision unless the judge does not seek election at the first general election held after the vacancy to which he or she was appointed occurred, as provided in section 23 of article VI of the state constitution of 1963, or does not seek reelection at the end of a subsequent term.

History: Add. 2012, Act 40, Eff. Mar. 25, 2012 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 624, Imd. Eff. Jan. 9, 2013

Compiler's Notes: Former MCL 600.303a, which pertained to nominating petitions for new or existing judgeships, was repealed by Act 149 of 1982, Imd. Eff. May 6, 1982.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016