Michigan Compiled Laws § 600.5777 In-person Conference With Owner Or Operator Of Mobile Home Park.

600.5777 In-person conference with owner or operator of mobile home park.

Sec. 5777.

Within 10 days of service of a demand for possession of premises for just cause, a tenant in a mobile home park shall have the right to request, by certified or registered mail to the owner or operator of the mobile home park at the address set forth in the demand, an in-person conference with the owner or operator of the mobile home park or representative of the owner or operator. If timely requested, the conference shall be held at the mobile home park and at a time and date established by the owner or operator but not later than 20 days after the tenant's request. The tenant may be accompanied by counsel at the conference. Nothing in this section shall affect the owner's or operator's right to commence summary proceedings pursuant to the demand for possession.

History: Add. 1988, Act 336, Eff. May 1, 1989

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Last modified: October 10, 2016