Michigan Compiled Laws 236-1961-13 Chapter 13 Jurors (600.1300...600.1376)
- Section 600.1300 Definitions.
As used in this chapter: (a) “Driver's license list” means a compilation of names of individuals who are 18 years of age or older,...
- Section 600.1301 Jury Board; Appointment; Qualifications; Terms; Existing Boards; Vacancies.
(1) In counties having a population of less than 2,000,000, the jury board consists of 3 qualified electors of the county appointed by the...
- Section 600.1301a Courts In Which Selection Of Juries Governed By Chapter; Exceptions.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), this chapter governs the selection of juries in the following courts: (a) Circuit court. (b) Probate court....
- Section 600.1301b Modified System Of Jury Selection; Development Of Plan; Goals; Review, Approval, Adoption, And Implementation Of Plan; Exceptions.
(1) Within 2 years after the effective date of this section each circuit of the circuit court shall develop a plan for the implementation...
- Section 600.1302 Jury Board; Election Of President And Secretary; Salary Of Members; Quorum.
The jury board shall elect annually from its members a president and secretary. The members of the board shall be paid an annual salary...
- Section 600.1303 Jury Board; Authorization And Salaries Of Assistants.
The county board of commissioners of each county may authorize assistants to the jury board and fix their salaries. History: Add. 1968, Act 326,...
- Section 600.1303a Jury Board; Oath; Filing.
Before members of a jury board begin their duties, they shall take a constitutional oath of office before the chief circuit judge and file...
- Section 600.1304 Selection Of Jurors; List.
The jury board shall select from a list that combines the driver's license list and the personal identification cardholder list the names of persons...
- Section 600.1304a Use Of Electronic And Mechanical Devices By Jury; Other Method.
(1) The jury board may use electronic and mechanical devices in carrying out its duties under this chapter. (2) The jury board may use...
- Section 600.1305 Jury Board; Meetings; Records; Use As Evidence.
The jury board shall meet annually in the month of May. The chief circuit judge shall fix the time and place of the annual...
- Section 600.1306, 600.1307 Repealed. 1978, Act 11, Eff. Feb. 8, 1981.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to qualifications of jurors. Subsequent to its repeal, MCL 600.1306 was amended by Act 438 of 1980.
- Section 600.1307a Qualifications Of Juror; Exemptions; Effect Of Payment For Jury Service; “felony” Defined.
(1) To qualify as a juror, a person shall meet all of the following criteria: (a) Be a citizen of the United States, 18...
- Section 600.1308 Jurors; Estimate Of Number Needed.
On or before each May 1, the chief judge of each court of record in the county shall estimate the number of jurors that...
- Section 600.1309 Jurors; List Of Those Who Have Served.
The board shall secure from the clerk of each court of record in the county, and each clerk shall provide, a list of persons...
- Section 600.1310 Voter Registration Lists And Combined Driver's License And Personal Identification Cardholder List; Procurement; Alternatives; Costs.
(1) The secretary of state shall transmit annually before April 15 to the clerk of each county at no expense a full, current, and...
- Section 600.1311 Determination Of Key Number.
The board shall arrive at a key number as follows: (a) Add the number of jurors the judge has estimated will be needed to...
- Section 600.1312 Key Number; First Jury List; Compilation.
The board shall apply the key number uniformly to the names on the list received pursuant to section 1310 and compile a list or...
- Section 600.1313 Juror Qualifications Questionnaire; Contents; Completion; Mailing; Removal Of Deceased Person From List.
(1) The board shall supply a juror qualifications questionnaire to each person on the first jury list, regardless of whether the person previously failed...
- Section 600.1314 Excusal Of Exempt Persons; Investigations.
On the basis of answers to the juror qualifications questionnaires the board may excuse from service persons on the first jury list who claim...
- Section 600.1315 Juror Qualifications Questionnaires; Retention; Confidentiality.
The juror qualifications questionnaires shall be kept on file by the board for a period of 3 years but the chief circuit judge may...
- Section 600.1316 Jurors; Appearance Before Board; Notice; Evening Sessions.
The chief circuit judge, or the board, may require any person on the first jury list to appear before a board member at a...
- Section 600.1317 Jurors; Personal Attendance Excused.
The board may dispense with the personal attendance of a person notified to appear before the board when another person cognizant of facts which...
- Section 600.1318 Jurors; Oaths, Administration.
A board member may administer an oath or affirmation in relation to the examination of any matter embraced in this act. History: Add. 1968,...
- Section 600.1319 Record Of Persons Examined.
The board shall keep a record of the board member's report on each person examined, and a record showing the qualifications to serve as...
- Section 600.1320 Preliminary Screening Of Prospective Jurors; Excused Persons; Removal Of Deceased Person's Name From List; Hardship.
(1) The board shall make a preliminary screening of the qualifications and exemptions of prospective jurors and shall not include in the second jury...
- Section 600.1321 Second Jury List; Sealing; Jurisdiction Of District Court District.
(1) The names of those persons on the first jury list whom the board accepts as persons qualified for and not exempt from jury...
- Section 600.1322 Juror Names; Depositing; Withdrawal; Record.
The first deposit of names shall take place as soon as the second jury list is prepared. Subsequent deposits shall be made when the...
- Section 600.1323 Names Not Used; Sealing.
If the names are not to be immediately used, they shall be sealed up by the board and remain in the custody of the...
- Section 600.1324 Jurors; Selection; Information; Contents; District Court District.
(1) From time to time, the chief judge of each court of record in the county shall order the board to select jurors for...
- Section 600.1325 Repealed. 1969, Act 326, Eff. Sept. 1, 1969.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section required presiding judge to notify board as to number of jurors required.
- Section 600.1326 Grand Jurors; Selection; Term.
If a grand jury is ordered by the court, or required by statute, the board shall select the names of a sufficient number of...
- Section 600.1327 Jurors; Selection; Time; Notice; Witnesses.
The selection of jurors shall take place in public within the time limit fixed by the chief circuit judge and at a time and...
- Section 600.1328 Jurors; Selection; Procedure.
The board shall proceed in the selection of jurors in a random manner as ordered by the chief circuit judge as provided in this...
- Section 600.1329 Selection Of Jurors; Legality; Challenges; Grounds.
(1) The legality or regularity of the selection of jurors shall not be questioned if the record of the selection is properly signed. If...
- Section 600.1330 Board Box; Closing, Custody.
When the drawing is finished, the board box shall be closed and sealed in the presence of the officers. All slips drawn out of...
- Section 600.1331 Lists Of Jurors; Delivery To Clerk.
The board shall deliver to the clerk lists containing the names and addresses of the jurors selected. History: Add. 1968, Act 326, Eff. Nov....
- Section 600.1332 Jurors; Summons For Service; Method; Record; Evidence.
The clerk, jury board, or sheriff shall summon jurors for court attendance at such times and in such manner as directed by the chief...
- Section 600.1333 Jurors; Excuse Or Postponement Of Services; Application.
A person who is notified to attend as a juror may apply to the chief judge of the court to be excused or have...
- Section 600.1334 Jurors; Temporary Excuse; Duty To Report.
(1) The chief judge may excuse any juror or jurors from attendance without pay for any portion of the term. The chief judge shall...
- Section 600.1335 Grounds For Excusing Person From Jury Service; Postponing Jury Service Of Student.
(1) The chief judge of the court to which a person is returned as a juror may excuse the person from serving when it...
- Section 600.1336 Jurors; Excess; Discharge; Effect.
If the chief judge finds that the number of jurors in attendance is greater than that needed, the chief judge may order the panel...
- Section 600.1337 Jurors; Unqualified Or Exempt; Discharge.
When the court finds that a person in attendance at court as a juror is not qualified to serve as a juror, or is...
- Section 600.1338 Jurors; Excused; Removal Of Name From List.
When any person is excused from serving on the ground that he or she is exempt by law from serving on juries or is...
- Section 600.1339 Jurors; Service Postponed; Disposition.
The chief judge shall report to the board the names of all jurors whose service has been postponed to a subsequent time, and the...
- Section 600.1340 Report Of Court Clerk.
The clerk of the court or the clerk's designee, within 10 days after the close of each term for which jurors have been selected,...
- Section 600.1341 Additional Jurors; Procedure.
The chief judge of a court may order additional jurors selected by the board for service during the period of service of a jury...
- Section 600.1342 Jurors; New List; Court Order.
If the board fails to meet and return the second jury list at the time prescribed or if any list of jurors becomes exhausted...
- Section 600.1343 Jurors; Term Of Service.
The term of service of petit jurors shall be determined by local court rule but shall not exceed the term of court, unless at...
- Section 600.1344 Jurors; Mileage And Compensation; Payment Of Jury Fee Where Action Removed From Circuit Court To Lower Court; Fraudulent Issuance Of Certificate Of Attendance As Misdemeanor; Penalty.
(1) A juror shall be reimbursed for his or her traveling expenses at a rate, determined by the county board of commissioners, that is...
- Section 600.1345 Attempts To Influence Board; Report.
A board member shall report to the prosecuting attorney and the chief circuit judge the name of any person who in any manner seeks...
- Section 600.1346 Acts Punishable As Contempts.
The following acts are punishable by the circuit court as contempts of court: (a) Failing to answer the questionnaire provided for in section 1313....
- Section 600.1347 Jurors; Bribery; Penalty; Embracery; Civil Liability.
(1) A person selected or summoned as a juror who takes anything to give his or her verdict or receives any gift or gratuity...
- Section 600.1348 Jurors; Threats, Discharge, Or Discipline By Employer; Requiring Additional Hours Of Work; Misdemeanor; Penalty.
(1) An employer or the employer's agent, who threatens to discharge or discipline or who discharges, disciplines, or causes to be discharged from employment...
- Section 600.1349 Jurors; Nonliability For Verdict; Exception.
No juror may be subject to an action, civil or criminal, on account of any verdict except for corrupt conduct in rendering such verdict...
- Section 600.1350 Selection And Impaneling Of Juries For Condemnation And Grade Separation Cases.
Juries for condemnation cases and grade separation damage cases shall be selected and impaneled from the persons summoned to serve as petit jurors at...
- Section 600.1351 Repealed. 1970, Act 118, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1970.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided that in civil cases by 12 jurors, verdict shall be received when 10 jurors agree.
- Section 600.1352 Trial By Jury Of 6 In Civil Cases; Verdict.
In civil cases commenced in a court governed by this chapter, when a trial by jury is requested in accordance with rules of the...
- Section 600.1353 Court Rules.
The judges of each circuit court may establish rules, not inconsistent with the provisions herein, necessary to carry out these provisions and to insure...
- Section 600.1354 Noncompliance With Chapter As Grounds For Requesting Continuance Or Claiming Invalidity Of Verdict; Data Processing Error As Grounds For Questioning List Selected.
(1) Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not be grounds for a continuance nor shall it affect the validity of...
- Section 600.1355 Practices Governed By Supreme Court Rules.
With respect to the selection and impaneling of jurors, any examination, challenge, replacement, oath or other practice not otherwise governed by the provisions of...
- Section 600.1371 “one Day, One Trial System” Defined.
As used in sections 1371 to 1376, “one day, one trial system” means a system of selection of jurors which incorporates either of the...
- Section 600.1372 Applicability Of Mcl 600.1371 To 600.1376; Adoption Of 1 Day, 1 Trial Jury System.
(1) Sections 1371 to 1376 apply only to those districts of the district court, circuits of the circuit court, and county or probate court...
- Section 600.1374 Repealed. 2004, Act 12, Eff. June 1, 2004.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to removing name of deceased person from qualifed jurors' list and voter registration list.
- Section 600.1375 Combined Driver's License And Personal Identification Cardholder List; First Jury List; Costs.
(1) The secretary of state shall transmit annually, before April 15, to the clerk of each county a full, current, and accurate copy of...
- Section 600.1376 Plan For Selection Of Persons For Jury Service With Aid Of Mechanical Or Electronic Means; Adoption; Requirements.
(1) Upon recommendation of the district court judge or a majority of the judges of a district, circuit judge or a majority of the...
Last modified: October 10, 2016