Michigan Compiled Laws § 691.1334 Collaborative Law Participation Agreement; Requirements.

691.1334 Collaborative law participation agreement; requirements.

Sec. 4.

(1) A collaborative law participation agreement must satisfy all of the following requirements:

(a) Be in a record.

(b) Be signed by the parties.

(c) State the parties' intention to resolve a collaborative matter through a collaborative law process under this act.

(d) Describe the nature and scope of the matter.

(e) Identify the collaborative lawyer who represents each party in the process.

(f) Contain a statement by each collaborative lawyer confirming the lawyer's representation of a party in the collaborative law process.

(2) Parties may agree to include in a collaborative law participation agreement additional provisions not inconsistent with this act.

History: 2014, Act 159, Eff. Dec. 8, 2014

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Last modified: October 10, 2016