Michigan Compiled Laws § 691.1406a Subrogation.

691.1406a Subrogation.

Sec. 6a.

A governmental agency against whom judgment has been entered pursuant to this act may seek subrogation where it is available by law or by contract and recover contribution from each co-defendant and joint and several tort feasor where appropriate pursuant to sections 2925a to 2925d of the revised judicature act of 1961, Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, being sections 600.2925a to 600.2925d of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

History: Add. 1986, Act 175, Imd. Eff. July 7, 1986
Constitutionality: In Hyde v University of Michigan Regents, 426 Mich 223 (1986), the Supreme Court stated that “1986 PA 175 was enacted, effective July 1, 1986.” Act 175 was approved by the Governor July 6, 1986, and filed with Secretary of State July 7, 1986.

Compiler's Notes: Section 3 of Act 175 of 1986 provides:“(1) Sections 1, 7, and 13 of Act No. 170 of the Public Acts of 1964, as amended by this amendatory act, being sections 691.1401, 691.1407, and 691.1413 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, shall not apply to causes of action which arise before July 1, 1986.“(2) Section 6a of Act No. 170 of the Public Acts of 1964, as added by this amendatory act, shall apply to cases filed on or after July 1, 1986.”
Popular Name: Governmental Immunity Act

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Last modified: October 10, 2016