Michigan Compiled Laws 328-1931-xxiv Chapter XXIV Conspiracy (750.151...750.157c)
- Section 750.151 Contracts; Conspiracy; Penalty.
All contracts, agreements, understandings, and combinations made, entered into, or knowingly assented to, by and between any parties capable of making a contract or...
- Section 750.152 Illegal Contracts.
Certain contracts illegal wherever made—Every contract, agreement, understanding, and combination declared void and illegal by the first section of this chapter shall be equally...
- Section 750.153 Illegal Contracts; Carrying Into Effect.
The carrying into effect, in whole or in part, of any such illegal contract, agreement, understanding, or combination as mentioned in the first section...
- Section 750.154 Violation By Corporation Forfeits Charter.
Violation by corporation forfeits charter—Any corporation now or hereafter organized under the laws of this state, which shall enter into any contract, agreement, understanding...
- Section 750.155 Violation By Corporation Forfeits Charter; Quo Warranto.
Quo warranto against offending corporations—It shall be the duty of the attorney general upon his own relation, or upon the relation of any private...
- Section 750.156 Chapter Inapplicable To Agricultural Products Or Livestock Under Certain Conditions; Chapter Inapplicable To Conspiracy Committed Under Chapter Lxviia.
(1) This chapter does not apply to agricultural products or livestock while in the hands of the producer or raiser or to the services...
- Section 750.157 Providing Incriminating Testimony Or Evidence; Use Of Truthful Testimony, Evidence, Or Other Information Against Witness In Criminal Case.
A person shall not be excused from attending and testifying or producing any books, papers, or other documents before a court or magistrate upon...
- Section 750.157a Conspiracy To Commit Offense Or Legal Act In Illegal Manner; Penalty.
Any person who conspires together with 1 or more persons to commit an offense prohibited by law, or to commit a legal act in...
- Section 750.157b Solicitation To Commit Murder Or Felony; Penalty; Affirmative Defense.
(1) For purposes of this section, “solicit” means to offer to give, promise to give, or give any money, services, or anything of value,...
- Section 750.157c Recruiting, Inducing, Soliciting, Or Coercing Minor To Commit Felony.
A person 17 years of age or older who recruits, induces, solicits, or coerces a minor less than 17 years of age to commit...
Last modified: October 10, 2016